- partition of energy
распределение энергии
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Partition function (statistical mechanics) — For other uses, see Partition function (disambiguation). Partition function describe the statistical properties of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is a function of temperature and other parameters, such as the volume enclosing a gas.… … Wikipedia
Partition coefficient — In chemistry and the pharmaceutical sciences, a partition (P) or distribution coefficient (D) is the ratio of concentrations of a compound in the two phases of a mixture of two immiscible solvents at equilibrium.[1] The terms gas/liquid partition … Wikipedia
Partition function (mathematics) — The partition function or configuration integral, as used in probability theory, information science and dynamical systems, is an abstraction of the definition of a partition function in statistical mechanics. It is a special case of a… … Wikipedia
Partition of India — The Partition of British India Colonial India … Wikipedia
Helmholtz free energy — In thermodynamics, the Helmholtz free energy is a thermodynamic potential which measures the “useful” work obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system at a constant temperature and volume. For such a system, the negative of the difference in… … Wikipedia
Derivation of partition function — Consider a system [1] S embedded into a heat bath B. The total Energy of the system S and B is E. Let pi denote the probability that the system S is in microstate i with Energy Ei. The probability … Wikipedia
Vibrational partition function — The vibrational partition function traditionally refers to the component of the canonical partition function resulting from the vibrational degrees of freedom of a system. The vibrational partition function is only well defined in model systems… … Wikipedia
Thermodynamic free energy — In thermodynamics, the term thermodynamic free energy refers to the amount of work that can be extracted from a system, and is helpful in engineering applications. It is a subtraction of the entropy of a system ( useless energy ) from the total… … Wikipedia
Lattice energy — Sodium chloride crystal lattice The lattice energy of an ionic solid is a measure of the strength of bonds in that ionic compound. It is usually defined as the enthalpy of formation of the ionic compound from gaseous ions and as such is… … Wikipedia
equipartition of energy — an ideal condition postulated as existing among the molecules, atoms, and ions of a gas or vapor wherein the total heat energy is equally apportioned among the various degrees of freedom possessed by those particles, the realization of this ideal … Useful english dictionary
equipartition of energy — /ee kweuh pahr tish euhn, ek weuh , ee kweuh , ek weuh/, Thermodynamics. the theorem that the kinetic energy is the same for each degree of freedom in a system in thermal equilibrium. [1900 05; EQUI + PARTITION] * * * … Universalium