oxidizing process

oxidizing process
процесс фришевания

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "oxidizing process" в других словарях:

  • Oxidizing agent — European Union Chemical hazard symbol for oxidizing agents Dan …   Wikipedia

  • Wacker process — The Wacker process or the Hoechst Wacker process (named after the chemical companies of the same name) originally referred to the oxidation of ethylene to acetaldehyde by oxygen in water in the presence of a tetrachloropalladate catalyst.… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical process of decomposition — Human body composition Decomposition is a process that begins immediately after death and involves the destruction of soft tissue, leaving behind skeletonized remains. The chemical process of decomposition is complex and involves the breakdown of …   Wikipedia

  • Planar process — The planar process is a manufacturing process used in the semiconductor industry to build individual components of a transistor, and in turn, connect those transistors together. It is the primary process by which modern integrated circuits are… …   Wikipedia

  • Dow process — The Dow process is the electrolytic method of bromine extraction from brine, and was Herbert Henry Dow s second revolutionary process for generating bromine commercially. Also Dow s Process may refer to the hydrolysis of chlorobenzene in the… …   Wikipedia

  • chamber process — ▪ chemistry also called  Lead chamber Process,         method of producing sulfuric acid by oxidizing sulfur dioxide with moist air, using gaseous nitrogen oxides as catalysts, the reaction taking place primarily in a series of large, boxlike… …   Universalium

  • puddling process — Method of converting pig iron into wrought iron by subjecting it to heat and frequent stirring in a furnace in the presence of oxidizing substances (see oxidation reduction). Invented by Henry Cort in 1784 (superseding the finery process), it was …   Universalium

  • weldon process — ˈweldən noun Usage: usually capitalized W Etymology: after Walter Weldon died 1885 English chemist : a process used formerly for the recovery of manganese dioxide in making chlorine from hydrochloric acid in a stoneware still by adding lime to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Biogenic sulfide corrosion — is a bacterially mediated process of forming hydrogen sulfide gas and the subsequent conversion to sulfuric acid that attacks concrete and steel within wastewater environments. The hydrogen sulfide gas is oxidized in the presence of moisture to… …   Wikipedia

  • Idebenone — Drugbox IUPAC name = 2 (10 hydroxydecyl) 5,6 dimethoxy 3 methyl cyclohexa 2,5 diene 1,4 dione CAS number=58186 27 9 ATC prefix=N06 ATC suffix=BX13 PubChem=3686 DrugBank= C = 19 | H = 30 | O = 5 molecular weight = 338.439 g/mol bioavailability=… …   Wikipedia

  • Palladium — (pronounced pəˈleɪdiəm) is a rare and lustrous silvery white metal that was discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston, who named it palladium after the asteroid Pallas, which in turn, was named after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena,… …   Wikipedia

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