- outside seam
наружный шов
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
seam — [sēm] n. [ME seme < OE seam, akin to Ger saum < IE base * siw , * sū > SEW] 1. a) a joining of two pieces of material with a line of stitches b) the line of stitches [sew a fine seam] c) the material between the margin of each of the… … English World dictionary
seam allowance — noun /ˈsiːm əˌlaʊ.ənts/lang=la The part of the material or fabric added to the dimensions of a sewing pattern outside the seam. Trim the seam allowances to between 1/4 in. and 1/2 in. Fold one seam allowance in toward the other and pin along the… … Wiktionary
outside corner weld — Fusing two pieces of metal together, with the fusion taking place on the underpart of the seam … Dictionary of automotive terms
Coal seam fire — A coal seam fire near Denniston, New Zealand A coal seam fire or mine fire is the underground smouldering of a coal deposit, often in a coal mine. Such fires have economic, social and ecological impacts. They are often started by lightning, grass … Wikipedia
flat-felled seam — /flat feld / a seam on the face of a garment, as on the outside of the legs of blue jeans, made by overlapping or interlocking one seam allowance with the other and top stitching them together onto the garment with two parallel rows of stitches.… … Universalium
boxed seam — noun : a decorative seam having the welt on the outside and made similar to a French seam … Useful english dictionary
flat-felled seam — /flat feld / a seam on the face of a garment, as on the outside of the legs of blue jeans, made by overlapping or interlocking one seam allowance with the other and top stitching them together onto the garment with two parallel rows of stitches.… … Useful english dictionary
Waist cincher — A short corset, 1860, of one part. A waist cincher (sometimes referred to as a Waspie) is a belt worn around the waist to make the wearer s waist physically smaller, or to create the illusion of being smaller. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Red Serge — The Red Serge refers to the jacket of the dress uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It consists of a scarlet British military pattern tunic, replete with a high neck collar and shoulder epaulets of navy blue (some officer uniforms have… … Wikipedia
Tribal Fusion (dance form) — Tribal Fusion Belly Dance is a form of modern belly dance generally referring to a combination (fusion) of American Tribal Style Belly Dance (ATS) and Cabaret or Egyptian style belly dance. It frequently incorporates elements of Popping, Hip Hop … Wikipedia
Derby Serenaders — International Showband School Location Derby, England. Conference Founded 1936 … Wikipedia