outer-shell electron

outer-shell electron
валентный электрон
электрон внешней оболочки

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "outer-shell electron" в других словарях:

  • outer-shell electron — išorinis elektronas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. outer shell electron; peripheral electron vok. Außenelektron, n; Außenschalenelektron, n; äußeres Elektron, n rus. внешний электрон, m pranc. électron périphérique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • outer shell electron — electron that is located in the shell located farthest from the atomic nucleus …   English contemporary dictionary

  • électron périphérique — išorinis elektronas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. outer shell electron; peripheral electron vok. Außenelektron, n; Außenschalenelektron, n; äußeres Elektron, n rus. внешний электрон, m pranc. électron périphérique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Auger electron spectroscopy — (AES; Auger pronounced|oːʒeː in French) is a common analytical technique used specifically in the study of surfaces and, more generally, in the area of materials science. Underlying the spectroscopic technique is the Auger effect, as it has come… …   Wikipedia

  • shell — less, adj. shell like, adj. /shel/, n. 1. a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusk, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusk. 2. any of various objects resembling such a covering, as in shape or in being more or… …   Universalium

  • Shell — may refer to * Animal shell, or exoskeleton, including those of molluscs, turtles, insects and crustaceans * Seashell, the shells of various marine animals, especially marine mollusks * Eggshell, the outer covering of a hard shelled eggAny more… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron capture — (sometimes called inverse beta decay) is a decay mode for isotopes that will occur when there are too many protons in the nucleus of an atom and insufficient energy to emit a positron; however, it continues to be a viable decay mode for… …   Wikipedia

  • peripheral electron — išorinis elektronas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. outer shell electron; peripheral electron vok. Außenelektron, n; Außenschalenelektron, n; äußeres Elektron, n rus. внешний электрон, m pranc. électron périphérique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Electron shell — Periodic table with electron shells An electron shell may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom s nucleus. The closest shell to the nucleus is called the 1 shell (also called K shell ), followed by the 2 shell (or L shell …   Wikipedia

  • shell — [[t]ʃɛl[/t]] n. 1) zool. a hard outer covering of an animal, as of a clam, snail, lobster, or turtle 2) zool. the material constituting any of various coverings of this kind 3) zool. the hard exterior of an egg 4) bot the usu. hard outer covering …   From formal English to slang

  • Electron — For other uses, see Electron (disambiguation). Electron Experiments with a Crookes tube first demonstrated the particle nature of electrons. In this illustration, the profile of the cross shaped target is projected against the tube face at right… …   Wikipedia

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