negative leg

negative leg
минусовый провод термопары

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "negative leg" в других словарях:

  • Negative pressure wound therapy — (NPWT) is the use of sub atmospheric pressure to promote or assist wound healing, or to remove fluids from a wound site. Introduction Negative Pressure Wound Therapy has two forms which mainly differ in the type of dressing used to transfer NPWT… …   Wikipedia

  • Leg before wicket — Ray Lindwall traps Peter May leg before wicket in the First Test of the 1954–55 Ashes series. In the sport of cricket, leg before wicket (LBW) is one of the ways in which a batsman can be dismissed. An umpire will rule a batsman out LBW under a… …   Wikipedia

  • leg — /lɛg / (say leg) noun 1. one of the members or limbs which support and move the human or animal body. 2. this part of an animal, especially lamb or veal, used as meat to roast, bake, etc. 3. that part of the limb between the knee and the ankle. 4 …  

  • Negative-pressure wound therapy — Application of a vacuum pump using a foam dressing to a wound Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a therapeutic technique using a vacuum dressing to promote healing in acute or chronic wounds and enhance healing of first and second degree… …   Wikipedia

  • leg to stand on — {n. phr.} A firm foundation of facts; facts to support your claim. Usually used in the negative. * /Jerry s answering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on./ * /Amos sued for damages, but did not have a leg to stand on./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leg to stand on — {n. phr.} A firm foundation of facts; facts to support your claim. Usually used in the negative. * /Jerry s answering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on./ * /Amos sued for damages, but did not have a leg to stand on./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leg\ to\ stand\ on — n. phr. A firm foundation of facts; facts to support your claim. Usually used in the negative. Jerry s answering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on. Amos sued for damages, but did not have a leg to stand on …   Словарь американских идиом

  • a leg to stand on — phrasal : support; especially : a basis for one s position in a controversy usually used in the negative would not have a leg to stand on in his defiance A.L.Hammond he had no legal legs to stand on Spectator …   Useful english dictionary

  • Operation Wooden Leg — Opération Jambe de bois Opération Jambe de bois (מבצע רגל עץ ou Mivtza Regel Etz en hébreu) est le nom de code donné au raid de l armée de l air israélienne survenu le 1er octobre 1985 contre le quartier général de l Organisation de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Opération Wooden Leg — Opération Jambe de bois Opération Jambe de bois (מבצע רגל עץ ou Mivtza Regel Etz en hébreu) est le nom de code donné au raid de l armée de l air israélienne survenu le 1er octobre 1985 contre le quartier général de l Organisation de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Warwick Armstrong — Infobox cricketer biography playername = Warwick Armstrong female = country = Australia fullname = Warwick Windridge Armstrong nickname = The Big Ship living = partialdates = dayofbirth = 22 monthofbirth = 5 yearofbirth = 1879 placeofbirth =… …   Wikipedia

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