neat gas

neat gas
очищенный газ

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "neat gas" в других словарях:

  • neat´ness — neat1 «neet», adjective. 1. clean and in order: »a neat desk, a neat room, a neat dress. 2. able and willing to keep things in order: »a neat child. 3. well formed; in proportion: »a neat design …   Useful english dictionary

  • neat´ly — neat1 «neet», adjective. 1. clean and in order: »a neat desk, a neat room, a neat dress. 2. able and willing to keep things in order: »a neat child. 3. well formed; in proportion: »a neat design …   Useful english dictionary

  • Religious symbolism in the United States military — Insignias (left to right) for Christian, Muslim and Jewish chaplains are shown on the uniforms of three U.S. Navy chaplains, 1998. (These were the only insignias in use at that time.) Religious symbolism in the United States military includes the …   Wikipedia

  • History of ethanol fuel in Brazil — Mechanized harvesting of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), Piracicaba, São Paulo. The history of ethanol fuel in Brazil dates from the 1970s and relates to Brazil’s sugarcane based ethanol fuel program, which allowed the country to became the… …   Wikipedia

  • Glasgow —    GLASGOW, a city, the seat of a university, and a sea port, having separate jurisdiction, locally in the Lower ward of the county of Lanark, and situated in longitude 4° 15 51 (W.), and latitude 55° 52 10 (N.), 23 miles (E. by S.) from Greenock …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • Flexible-fuel vehicle — For other types of vehicles, see Alternative fuel vehicle and Hybrid vehicle. The Ford Model T was the first commercial flex fuel vehicle. The engine was capable of running on gasoline or ethanol, or a mix of both. A flexible fuel vehicle (FFV)… …   Wikipedia

  • Green vehicle — The Toyota Prius is the world s top selling hybrid car, with cumulative global sales of 2.0 million units by September 2010,[1] and has become the icon of green cars. A green vehicle or environmentally friendly vehicle …   Wikipedia

  • Petroleum — For other uses, see Petroleum (disambiguation). Proven world oil reserves, 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • Common ethanol fuel mixtures — Summary of the main ethanol blends used around the world There are several common ethanol fuel mixtures in use around the world. The use of pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol in internal combustion engines (ICE) is only possible if the engine is… …   Wikipedia

  • National Benzole — Company Ltd. Type Subsidiary of BP plc (Dormant) Industry Oil Founded 1919 Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental effects of biodiesel — A number of environmental effects of biodiesel have emerged. Greenhouse gas emissions An often mentioned incentive for using biodiesel is its capacity to lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to those of fossil fuels. If this is true or not… …   Wikipedia

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