- nearest neighbour
• "ближайший сосед"• ближайшая соседняя частица
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Nearest-Neighbour-Heuristik — Nearest Neighbor Heuristik Die Nearest Neighbor Heuristik ist ein heuristisches Eröffnungsverfahren aus der Graphentheorie und wird zur Approximation einer Lösung des Problem des Handlungsreisenden verwendet. Von einem Knoten als Startpunkt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nearest neighbour algorithm — This article is about an approximation algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem. For other uses, see Nearest neighbor. The nearest neighbour algorithm was one of the first algorithms used to determine a solution to the travelling… … Wikipedia
nearest neighbour analysis — a measure of how clustered or evenly spaced a distribution of points on a plane is. Rn = 2đ √ (n/A) where đ is the mean distance between nearest neighbours, n is the number of points, A is the area in which the distribution occurs Values… … Geography glossary
Symmetric Nearest Neighbour — Bild links vor, rechts nach der Anwendung des SNN Filters Symmetric Nearest Neighbour (SNN) ist ein Filterverfahren, das in der Bildbearbeitung zur Entfernung von Rauschen verwendet wird. 0 + 0 00 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nearest neighbor — may refer to: Nearest neighbor search in pattern recognition and in computational geometry Nearest neighbor interpolation for interpolating data Nearest neighbor graph in geometry The k nearest neighbor algorithm in machine learning, an… … Wikipedia
Nearest-neighbor interpolation — (blue lines) in one dimension on a (uniform) dataset (red points) … Wikipedia
Nearest-Neighbor-Heuristik — Die Nearest Neighbor Heuristik ist ein heuristisches Eröffnungsverfahren aus der Graphentheorie und wird unter Anderem zur Approximation einer Lösung des Problem des Handlungsreisenden verwendet. Von einem Knoten als Startpunkt ausgehend wird die … Deutsch Wikipedia
neighbour — (BrE) (AmE neighbor) noun 1 person living nearby ADJECTIVE ▪ friendly, good ▪ She s been a very good neighbour to me. ▪ nosy ▪ noisy … Collocations dictionary
neighbour — n. & v. (US neighbor) n. 1 a person living next door to or near or nearest another (my next door neighbour; his nearest neighbour is 12 miles away; they are neighbours). 2 a a person regarded as having the duties or claims of friendliness,… … Useful english dictionary
Nearest and Dearest — First Series (DVD) Format Comedy Created by Vince Powell Harry Drive … Wikipedia
nearest — adj. Nearest is used with these nouns: ↑approximation, ↑challenger, ↑competitor, ↑equivalent, ↑exit, ↑galaxy, ↑neighbour, ↑pub, ↑rival, ↑star, ↑thing … Collocations dictionary