Metal Treating Institute
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
MTI — may stand for:* Magyar Távirati Iroda, a Hungarian news wire agency. * MTI Technology Corporation, a technology company based in Irvine, CA. * Moving target indication, a radar signal processing technique used to distinguish targets from clutter … Wikipedia
MTI — Abreviatura de posición fetal mentotransversa izquierda. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
Mti — abbr. monti, nelle carte geografiche … Dizionario italiano
æmti — obs. form of empty … Useful english dictionary
MTI — Die Abkürzung MTI hat die Bedeutungen: Magyar Távirati Iroda, eine 1880 gegründete ungarische Nachrichtenagentur Moving Target Indication oder Moveable Target Indication, Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Radarzielerfassung Militärtechnisches Institut … Deutsch Wikipedia
MTI — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le sigle MTI réfère à : Mouvement de la tendance islamique, un parti politique islamiste tunisien qui n a jamais été reconnu officiellement par le… … Wikipédia en Français
MTI — abbreviation moving target indicator * * * See moving target indicator. * * * MTI (no periods), moving target indication (radar) … Useful english dictionary
MTI Consulting — Type Consulting Industry Strategy Consulting ,Management Consultancies Founded 1997 Headquarters … Wikipedia
MTI Home Video — is a United States based movie distributor in the direct to video market. Typically, they will buy the distribution rights to independent films that did not see a theatrical run in the U.S., and be released directly to DVD. In 2006, they… … Wikipedia
MTI radar — Radar in which the Doppler effect can be employed to differentiate between stationary and moving targets, with the former suppressed and only the latter displayed. In this process, the permanent echoes as well as those from very slow moving… … Aviation dictionary
MTI-446 — C7H14N4O3 М.м. 202,2 Инсектицид, (RS) 1 Метил 2 нитро 3 (тетрагидрофурил 3 метил) гуанидин (Mitsui). Т. пл. 94,5 101,5 °С. Растворимость в воде (20°С) 54,3 г/л. ЛД50 орально (в мг/кг) для крыс 2000 2804, для мышей 2275 2450. ЛД50 дерм, для крыс… … Пестициды и регуляторы роста растений