- monorail track
монорельсовый путь
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Track lighting — is a method of lighting where light fixtures are attached anywhere on a continuous track device which contains electrical conductors. This is as opposed to the routing of electrical wiring to individual light positions. Tracks can be mounted to… … Wikipedia
Monorail — For other meanings, see Monorail (disambiguation). Moscow Monorail in Russia A monorail is a rail based transportation system based on a single rail, which acts as its sole support and its guideway. The term is also used variously to describe the … Wikipedia
monorail — [män′ə rāl΄] n. 1. a single rail serving as a track for cars suspended from it or balanced on it 2. a railway with such a track … English World dictionary
monorail — ► NOUN ▪ a railway in which the track consists of a single rail … English terms dictionary
Monorail history — The term monorail or industrial monorail is used to describe any number of transport systems in which a chair or carrier is suspended from, or rides on, an overhead rail structure. Unlike the well known duo rail system, there are many rail guided … Wikipedia
Monorail — Eine Einschienenbahn ist eine dem Passagier oder Gütertransport dienende Bahn, die auf oder unter einem einzelnen schmalen Fahrweg („Schiene“, „Fahrbalken“) fährt. Dieser kann unterschiedliche Formen annehmen und aus verschiedenen Materialien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
monorail — /mon euh rayl /, n. 1. a single rail functioning as a track for wheeled vehicles, as railroad or other cars, balanced upon or suspended from it. 2. a railroad or other transportation system using such a rail. 3. a vehicle traveling on such a rail … Universalium
Track (rail transport) — Permanent way redirects here. For other uses, see Permanent way (disambiguation). Twin rail tracks in a wooded area … Wikipedia
monorail — UK [ˈmɒnəʊˌreɪl] / US [ˈmɑnəˌreɪl] noun [countable] Word forms monorail : singular monorail plural monorails a) a railway system in which trains travel on a single metal track b) a train on a monorail system … English dictionary
track — Synonyms and related words: L, Rugby, a reckoning of, account of, acrobatics, afterclap, aftercrop, aftereffect, afterglow, aftergrowth, afterimage, aftermath, aftertaste, agonistics, aim, air lane, alameda, alley, apprehend, archery ground,… … Moby Thesaurus
track — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. trail, follow, scent; explore; traverse. See pursuit. n. trace, trail, wake; vestige; foot prints, spoor, scent; path, course; succession; rails; race track, [race]course, turf, cinders; foot… … English dictionary for students