molten bath

molten bath
ванна расплавленного металла

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "molten bath" в других словарях:

  • bath — bath1 [bath, bäth] n. pl. baths [bathz, bäthz; baths, bäths] [ME < OE bæth < IE base * bhe , to warm > BAKE] 1. a washing or dipping of a thing, esp. the body, in water or other liquid, steam, etc. 2. water or other liquid for bathing,… …   English World dictionary

  • bath — bath1 bathless, adj. /bath, bahth/, n., pl. baths /badhz, bahdhz, baths, bahths/, v. n. 1. a washing or immersion of something, esp. the body, in water, steam, etc., as for cleansing or medical treatment: I take a bath every day. Give the dog a… …   Universalium

  • Sand bath — Sand Sand, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant, Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.] 1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose grains, which are not coherent …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • salt bath — noun (metallurgy) A bath of molten salts in which steel is heated, hardened or tempered • • • Main Entry: ↑salt …   Useful english dictionary

  • metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… …   Universalium

  • aluminum processing — Introduction       preparation of the ore for use in various products.       Aluminum, or aluminium (Al), is a silvery white metal with a melting point of 660° C (1,220° F) and a density of 2.7 grams per cubic centimetre. The most abundant… …   Universalium

  • lead processing — Introduction       preparation of the ore for use in various products.       Lead (Pb) is one of the oldest metals known, being one of seven metals used in the ancient world (the others are gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and mercury). Its low… …   Universalium

  • basic oxygen process — a high speed method of steelmaking in which oxygen of high purity is blown through an oxygen lance at high velocity onto the surface of a bath containing steel scrap and molten pig iron within a vessel with a basic lining (basic oxygen furnace).… …   Universalium

  • Dip soldering — apparatus. Dip soldering is a small scale soldering process by which electronic components are soldered to a printed circuit board (PCB) to form an electronic assembly. The solder wets to the exposed metallic areas of the board (those not… …   Wikipedia

  • Tinning — is the process of making tinplate, which consists of sheets of iron or steel that have been thinly coated with tin by being dipped in a molten bath of that metal. Hence the process is more precisely described as hot dipped tin plating. This is… …   Wikipedia

  • coal utilization — Introduction        combustion of coal or its conversion into useful solid, gaseous, and liquid products. By far the most important use of coal is in combustion, mainly to provide heat to the boilers of electric power plants. Metallurgical coke… …   Universalium

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