- molecular pressure
молекулярное давление
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
thermal molecular pressure — šiluminis molekulių slėgis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal molecular pressure; thermomolecular pressure vok. thermischer Molekulardruck, m; Thermomolekulardruck, m rus. тепловое молекулярное давление, n; термомолекулярное… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Molecular dynamics — (MD) is a computer simulation of physical movements of atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a period of time, giving a view of the motion of the atoms. In the most common version, the trajectories of molecules… … Wikipedia
Pressure sensitive adhesive — (PSA, self adhesive, self stick adhesive) is adhesive that forms a bond when pressure is applied to marry the adhesive with the adherend. No solvent, water, or heat is needed to activate the adhesive.It is used in pressure sensitive tapes, labels … Wikipedia
Molecular solid — is a solid composed of molecules held together by the van der Waals forces. Because these dipole forces are weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, molecular solids are soft and have relatively low melting temperature. Pure molecular solids are… … Wikipedia
Molecular tagging velocimetry — (MTV) is a specific form of flow velocimetry, a technique for determining the velocity of currents in fluids such as air and water. In its simplest form, a single write laser beam is shot once through the sample space. Along its path an optically … Wikipedia
Molecular Electronic Transducers — (MET) are a class of inertial sensors (which include accelerometers, gyroscopes, tilt meters, seismometers, and related devices) based on an electrochemical mechanism. METs capture the physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the surface of… … Wikipedia
Pressure swing adsorption — (PSA) is a technology used to separate some gas species from a mixture of gases under pressure according to the species molecular characteristics and affinity for an adsorbent material. It operates at near ambient temperatures and so differs from … Wikipedia
Molecular anthropology — is a field of anthropology in which molecular analysis is used to determine evolutionary links between ancient and modern human populations, as well as between contemporary species. Generally, comparisons are made between sequence, either DNA or… … Wikipedia
Molecular conductance — (G = I / V), or the conductance of a single molecule, is a physical quantity in molecular electronics. Molecular conductance is dependent on the surrounding conditions (e.g. pH, temperature, pressure), as well as the properties of measuring… … Wikipedia
Molecular autoionization — is a reaction between molecules of the same substance to produce ions and is created by semipolar bonds. The oxidation number on all atoms in such a reaction remains unchanged. Such autoionization can be protic (H+ transfer), or non protic. Some… … Wikipedia
Molecular diffusion — This article is about spontaneous dispersion of mass. For a more generic treatment of diffusion, see Diffusion. Diffusion from a microscopic and macroscopic point of view. Initially, there are solute molecules on the left side of a barrier… … Wikipedia