- molder tool
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
molder — 1. noun a) A person who makes molds. b) A tool for making molds. 2. verb To decay to dust, to disintegrate from rot. The old book was left to molder until only the cover was left to show it had ever been written … Wiktionary
spoon tool — noun : any of various more or less spoon shaped molder s tools used for smoothing and finishing molds … Useful english dictionary
Digital holographic microscopy — Contents 1 Working principle 2 Advantages 3 Applications 4 … Wikipedia
Frederick Brant Rentschler — BirthRentschler was born in Hamilton, Ohio to George A. Rentschler and Phoebe Schwab, whose family owned the Republic Motor Car Co. that built Republic cars from 1908 until 1914. He graduated from Princeton University in 1909 and worked in his… … Wikipedia
furniture industry — Introduction all the companies and activities involved in the design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of functional and decorative objects of household equipment. The modern manufacture of furniture, as distinct from its design,… … Universalium
Hsün-tzu — ▪ Chinese philosopher Pinyin Xun zi, also spelled Hsün tze, original name Hsün K uang, honorary name Hsün Ch ing born c. 300 BC, Chao Kingdom, China died c. 230 BC, Lan ling, Ch u Kingdom, China philosopher who was one of the three … Universalium
Shale oil extraction — Shell s experimental in situ shale oil facility, Piceance Basin, Colorado, United States Process type Chemical Industrial sector(s) Chemical industry, oil indus … Wikipedia
trowel — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. blade, scoop, spade, implement; see tool 1 . Types of trowels include: garden, gardening, transplanting, plasterer s, mason s, pointing, bricklayer s, cement finisher s, molder s, corner, London pattern, Lowell pattern,… … English dictionary for students