microchemical analysis

microchemical analysis
микрохимический анализ

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "microchemical analysis" в других словарях:

  • Otolith microchemical analysis — is a technique used in fisheries management and fisheries biology to delineate stocks and characterize movements, and natal origin of fish. The concentrations of elements and isotopes in otoliths are compared to those in the water in which the… …   Wikipedia

  • Микрохимический анализ —         (a. microchemical analysis; н. mikrochemische Analyse; ф. analyse microchimique; и. analisis microquimico) совокупность приёмов и методов качеств. и количеств. анализов, используемых при исследовании проб массой 10 3 10 2 г для твёрдого… …   Геологическая энциклопедия

  • Wagner’s reagent —    An aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide; used for microchemical analysis of alkaloids. Also known as Wagner’s solution …   Forensic science glossary

  • Petr Zuman — (born January 1926) is a Czech chemist. Born and raised in Prague, the Second World War severely impacted Zuman and his family while he was a teenager. In 1939, when he was 13 years old, the Germans occupied Czechoslovakia and sent his father to… …   Wikipedia

  • Radiochemistry — is the chemistry of radioactive materials, where radioactive isotopes of elements are used to study the properties and chemical reactions of non radioactive isotopes (often within radiochemistry the absence of radioactivity leads to a substance… …   Wikipedia

  • Mummy — For other uses, see Mummy (disambiguation). An Egyptian mummy kept in the Vatican Museums. A mummy is a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness… …   Wikipedia

  • Leroy Hood — Leroy Hood, 2011 Leroy Edward Hood (* 10. Oktober 1938 in Missoula, Montana) ist ein US amerikanischer Mediziner und Biologe. Seine Verdienste liegen insbesondere in seinen Arbeiten zur Automatisierung der DNA Sequenzierung (siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • McCrone Research Institute — Established 1960 Type Independent, Not For Profit Students Over 27,000 since 1960 Location …   Wikipedia

  • Alvin Joseph Melveger — (1937 ) is an American scientist specializing in physical chemistry, spectroscopy, biomaterials, polymers and other disciplines, Alvin Joseph Melveger has had a long multifaceted career in chemical analysis, research, editing, publishing and… …   Wikipedia

  • Impact environnemental des transports routiers — À Shanghai, le smog est presque quotidien, et la voiture en est une des principales causes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Toxoplasmose — Classification et ressources externes Tachyzoïtes de Toxoplasma gondii CIM 10 …   Wikipédia en Français

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