- metal deposit
• металлический осадок• наплавленный металл• электролитическое покрытие металлом
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
metal — [n] lustrous chemical element alloy, casting, deposit, foil, hardware, ingot, leaf, load, mail, mineral, native rock, ore, plate, solder, vein; concept 476 … New thesaurus
deposit — /di poz it/, v.t. 1. to place for safekeeping or in trust, esp. in a bank account: He deposited his paycheck every Friday. 2. to give as security or in part payment. 3. to deliver and leave (an item): Please deposit your returned books with the… … Universalium
deposit — de|pos|it1 W3 [dıˈpɔzıt US dıˈpa: ] n 1.) a part of the cost of something you are buying that you pay some time before you pay the rest of it deposit of ▪ A deposit of 10% is required. put down a deposit (on sth) (=pay a deposit) ▪ We put down a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
deposit */*/ — I UK [dɪˈpɒzɪt] / US [dɪˈpɑzɪt] noun [countable] Word forms deposit : singular deposit plural deposits 1) a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is… … English dictionary
deposit — 1 noun (C) 1 SUM OF MONEY the first part of the money for a house, car, holiday etc, that you pay so that it will be kept for you: put down a deposit (on) (=pay a deposit): We put down a deposit on a house last week. 2 RENT money that you pay… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
deposit — de|pos|it1 [ dı pazıt ] noun count ** 1. ) a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is called the balance: She paid a $100 deposit, and agreed to pay… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
deposit box — noun a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables • Syn: ↑safe deposit, ↑safe deposit box, ↑safety deposit, ↑safety deposit box, ↑lockbox • Hypernyms: ↑strongbox, ↑deedbox … Useful english dictionary
deposit — A coating of unwanted mineral or layer of sediment at the bottom of a tank. [2] To apply a coating of something (often metal by electrolysis). Also see gum deposit lead deposit refundable deposit … Dictionary of automotive terms
deposit — de•pos•it [[t]dɪˈpɒz ɪt[/t]] v. t. 1) bus to place for safekeeping, esp. in a bank account 2) to deliver and leave (an item) 3) to insert (a coin) in a coin operated device 4) to put, place, or set down, esp. carefully or exactly: She deposited… … From formal English to slang
Metal production in Ukraine — Geographic distribution of ferrous and non ferrous output, expressed in monetary value per capita. Metal production, in particular iron and steel industry, is the dominant heavy industry in Ukraine. Ukraine is the world s eighth largest producer… … Wikipedia
metal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. mineral, element, alloy, ore. See inorganic matter. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. element, native rock, ore, metalliferous ore, ore deposit, free metal, refined ore, smelted ore; see also alloy , mineral .… … English dictionary for students