- mechanical hardness
механическая твердость
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Mechanical plating — Mechanical plating, also known as peen plating, mechanical deposition, or impact plating, is a plating process that imparts the coating by cold welding fine metal particles to a workpiece. Mechanical galvanization is the same process, but applies … Wikipedia
Hardness — This article is about mechanical properties of materials. For other uses, see Hard. Hardness is the measure of how resistant solid matter is to various kinds of permanent shape change when a force is applied. Macroscopic hardness is generally… … Wikipedia
Knoop hardness test — The Knoop hardness test is a microhardness test a test for mechanical hardness used particularly for very brittle materials or thin sheets, where only a small indentation may be made for testing purposes. A pyramidal diamond point is pressed into … Wikipedia
Indentation hardness — tests are used to determine the hardness of a material to deformation. Several such tests exist, wherein the examined material is indented until an impression is formed; these tests can be performed on a macroscopic or microscopic scale. When… … Wikipedia
Vickers hardness test — A Vickers hardness tester The Vickers hardness test was developed in 1924 by Smith and Sandland at Vickers Ltd as an alternative to the Brinell method to measure the hardness of materials.[1] The Vickers test is often easier to use than other… … Wikipedia
Meyer hardness test — This graph shows the differences between the Brinell hardness test and the Meyer hardness test. Notice that the Brinell test can report the same hardness value for a given specimen twice depending on the load. The Meyer hardness test is a rarely… … Wikipedia
Operational definition — The operational definition of a peanut butter sandwich might be simply the result of putting peanut butter on a slice of bread with a butter knife and laying a second equally sized slice of bread on top An operational definition defines something … Wikipedia
Liquidmetal — Liquid metal is also a name for Galinstan, a fusible alloy liquid at room temperature, used as a replacement of mercury.Liquidmetal and Vitreloy are commercial names of a series of amorphous metal alloys developed by a California Institute of… … Wikipedia
Nanocomposite — A nanocomposite is as a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm), or structures having nano scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the… … Wikipedia
soft — softly, adv. softness, n. /sawft, soft/, adj., softer, softest, n., adv., interj. adj. 1. yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow. 2. relatively deficient in… … Universalium
Dimensionless quantity — In dimensional analysis, a dimensionless quantity or quantity of dimension one is a quantity without an associated physical dimension. It is thus a pure number, and as such always has a dimension of 1.[1] Dimensionless quantities are widely used… … Wikipedia