- marcasite
• гребенчатый колчедан• копьевидный колчедан
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Marcasite — with tarnish (8x6 cm) General Category Sulfide mineral Chemical formula … Wikipedia
Marcasite — Mar ca*site, n. [F. marcassite; cf. It. marcassita, Sp. marquesita, Pg. marquezita; all fr. Ar. marqash[=i]tha.] (Min.) A sulphide of iron resembling pyrite or common iron pyrites in composition, but differing in form; white iron pyrites. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
marcasite — crystalized pyrite, early 15c., from M.L. marchasita, of obscure origin, perhaps via Spanish, probably from Arabic, though OED doubts this. Perhaps ultimately from Pers. marquashisha [Klein]. This name has been used for a number of substances but … Etymology dictionary
marcasite — ► NOUN 1) a semi precious stone consisting of iron pyrites. 2) a piece of polished metal cut as a gem. ORIGIN Latin marcasita, from Arabic … English terms dictionary
marcasite — [mär′kə sīt΄] n. [Fr marcassite < ML marcasita < Ar marqashītā < Pers marqashīshā] 1. an orthorhombic mineral, FeS2, that is dimorphic with pyrite; iron sulfide 2. this mineral cut and mounted on silver or other white metal to look like… … English World dictionary
marcasite — marcasitical /mahr keuh sit i keuhl/, adj. /mahr keuh suyt /, n. 1. a common mineral, iron disulfide, FeS2, chemically similar to pyrite but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system. 2. any of the crystallized forms of iron pyrites, much used in… … Universalium
Marcasite — Marcassite Marcassite Catégorie II : sulfures et sulfosels Marcassite à macles en fer de lance (sperkise), cap Blanc Nez, Pas de Calais, France … Wikipédia en Français
marcasite — ● marcassite ou marcasite nom féminin (latin médiéval marchasita, de l arabe marqachītā) Sulfure naturel de fer, orthorhombique, se présentant le plus souvent en boules à structure radiée. ● marcassite ou marcasite (synonymes) nom féminin (latin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
marcasite — noun Etymology: Middle English marchasite, from Medieval Latin marcasita Date: 15th century 1. a. crystallized pyrite b. a pale yellow to white mineral of the same composition and appearance as pyrite but of different crystalline organization and … New Collegiate Dictionary
marcasite — markazitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Rombinis FeS₂, mineralas. atitikmenys: angl. marcasite rus. марказит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Marcasite jewellery — Marcasite brooch made from pyrite and silver Marcasite jewellery is jewellery made from pyrite (fool s gold), not, as the name suggests, from marcasite.[1] Pyrite is similar to marcasite, but more stable and less brittle. Marcasite jewellery has… … Wikipedia