- magnesium reduction
магниетермическое восстановление
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
magnesium reduction — Смотри Магниетермия … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
MAGNÉSIUM — Le magnésium est un élément chimique métallique de symbole Mg et de numéro atomique 12. C’est le plus léger des métaux structuraux. Le nom de magnésium vient probablement de celui d’une bourgade d’Asie Mineure, Magnesia, bien connue plusieurs… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Magnesium in biology — Magnesium is an essential element in biological systems. Magnesium occurs typically as the Mg2+ ion. It is an essential mineral nutrient for life[1][2][3] and is present in every cell type in every organism. For example, ATP (adenosine… … Wikipedia
magnesium processing — Introduction preparation of the ore for use in various products. Magnesium (Mg) is a silvery white metal that is similar in appearance to aluminum but weighs one third less. With a density of only 1.738 grams per cubic centimetre, it… … Universalium
Magnesium — Not to be confused with Manganese. sodium ← magnesium → aluminium Be ↑ Mg ↓ Ca … Wikipedia
magnesium — /mag nee zee euhm, zheuhm, shee euhm/, n. Chem. a light, ductile, silver white, metallic element that burns with a dazzling white light, used in lightweight alloys, flares, fireworks, in the manufacture of flashbulbs, optical mirrors, and… … Universalium
Low valent magnesium compounds — Two low valent magnesium compounds have been discovered that are the first examples of stable magnesium(I) compounds.cite journal last= Green first= S. P. authorlink= coauthors= Jones C.; Stasch A. year= 2007 month= December title= Stable… … Wikipedia
One-electron reduction — A one electron reduction in organic chemistry involves the transfer of an electron from a metal to an organic substrate. It serves to differentiate between true organic reductions and other reductions such as hydride transfer reactions that… … Wikipedia
magnesiothermic reduction — noun Any reduction reaction that uses magnesium at an elevated temperature; used, for instance, to reduce the silica of diatoms to silicon whilst retaining the complex shapes … Wiktionary
Магниетермия — [magnesium reduction] металлотермический экзотермический процесс восстановления элементов из их оксидов, галогенов и др. магнием по реакции: МХ+ Mg → > MgX + М + Q. Наряду с наиболее развитой алюминотермией магниетермия получила особенно… … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Period 2 element — A period 2 element is one of the chemical elements in the second row (or period) of the periodic table of the chemical elements. The periodic table is laid out in rows to illustrate recurring (periodic) trends in the chemical behaviour of the… … Wikipedia