- loam mortar
глиняный раствор
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
lei-3 — lei 3 English meaning: slimy; to glide Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schleimig, durch Nässe glitschiger Boden, ausgleiten, worũber hinschleifen or streichen, also glättend worũber fahren; andrerseits schleimig = klebrig” Note: various… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Architecture of the California missions — The Architecture of the California missions was influenced by several factors, those being the limitations in the construction materials that were on hand, an overall lack of skilled labor, and a desire on the part of the founding priests to… … Wikipedia
Moscow Oblast — Московская область (Russian) Oblast … Wikipedia
Bihar — /bee hahr /, n. 1. a state in NE India. 62,700,000; 67,164 sq. mi. (173,955 sq. km). Cap.: Patna. 2. a city in the central part of this state. 100,052. Also, Behar. * * * State (pop., 2001 prelim.: 82,878,796), northeastern India. Bordered by… … Universalium
CaO — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Caustic lime — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime — Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are caught … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime burner — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime pit — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime rod — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime twig — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English