liquid solubility

liquid solubility
растворимость в жидком состоянии

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "liquid solubility" в других словарях:

  • Liquid breathing — Intervention MeSH D021061 Liquid breathing is a form of respiration in which a normally air breathing organism breathes an oxygen rich liquid (such as a perfluorocarb …   Wikipedia

  • Liquid metal embrittlement — is a phenomenon of practical importance, where certain ductile metals experience drastic loss in tensile ductility or undergo brittle fracture when tested in the presence of specific liquid metals. Generally, a tensile stress, either externally… …   Wikipedia

  • liquid — liquidly, adv. liquidness, n. /lik wid/, adj. 1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid. 2. of, pertaining to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet. 3 …   Universalium

  • Solubility — Soluble redirects here. For the algebraic object called a soluble group , see Solvable group. Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or gaseous solvent to form a… …   Wikipedia

  • Liquid-to-gas ratio — An important parameter in wet scrubbing systems is the rate of liquid flow. It is common in wet scrubber terminology to express the liquid flow as a function of the gas flow rate that is being treated. This is commonly called the liquid to gas… …   Wikipedia

  • solubility — /sol yeuh bil i tee/, n. the quality or property of being soluble; relative capability of being dissolved. [1670 80; SOLUBLE + ITY] * * * Degree to which a substance dissolves in a solvent to make a solution (usually expressed as grams of solute… …   Universalium

  • solubility — noun 1. the quantity of a particular substance that can dissolve in a particular solvent (yielding a saturated solution) • Derivationally related forms: ↑soluble • Topics: ↑solution • Hypernyms: ↑definite quantity 2. the property (of a problem or …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ionic liquid — An ionic liquid is a liquid that contains essentially only ions. Some ionic liquids, such as ethylammonium nitrate are in a dynamic equilibrium where at any time more than 99.99% of the liquid is made up of ionic rather than molecular species. In …   Wikipedia

  • Hildebrand solubility parameter — The Hildebrand solubility parameter (δ) provides a numerical estimate of the degree of interaction between materials, and can be a good indication of solubility, particularly for non polar materials such as many polymers. Materials with similar… …   Wikipedia

  • Dense non-aqueous phase liquid — A dense non aqueous phase liquid or DNAPL is a liquid that is both denser than water and is immiscible in or does not dissolve in water.[1] The term DNAPL is used primarily by environmental engineers and hydrogeologists to describe contaminants… …   Wikipedia

  • Micellar liquid chromatography — Acronym MLC Classification Chromatography Other techniques Related High performance liquid chromatography Aqueous Normal Phase Chromatography Size exclusion chromatography Ion exchange chromatography Micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) is a form …   Wikipedia

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