large-scale manufacture

large-scale manufacture
крупносерийное производство

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "large-scale manufacture" в других словарях:

  • manufacture — [man΄yo͞o fak′chər, man΄yəfak′chər] n. [Fr < ML manufactura < L manu, abl. of manus, a hand (see MANUAL) + factura, a making < factus, pp. of facere, to make, DO1] 1. the making of goods and articles by hand or, esp., by machinery, often …   English World dictionary

  • manufacture — ► VERB 1) make (something), especially on a large scale using machinery. 2) (manufactured) made or produced in a merely mechanical way. 3) invent or fabricate (evidence or a story). ► NOUN ▪ the process of manufacturing. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • manufacture — manufacturable, adj. manufactural, adj. /man yeuh fak cheuhr/, n., v., manufactured, manufacturing. n. 1. the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, esp. on a large scale: the manufacture of television sets. 2. the making or… …   Universalium

  • manufacture — man•u•fac•ture [[t]ˌmæn yəˈfæk tʃər[/t]] v. tured, tur•ing, n. 1) to make or produce by hand or machinery, esp. on a large scale 2) to work up (material) into form for use: to manufacture cotton[/ex] 3) to fabricate; concoct: to manufacture an… …   From formal English to slang

  • manufacture — 1. noun ˌmænjuˈfæktʃɚ a) The action or process of making goods systematically or on a large scale. Our lawgivers take special pride in the ever active manufacture of new bills and laws. b) Anything made, formed or produced; product. See Also:… …   Wiktionary

  • manufacture — man·u·fac·ture || mænÉ™ fæktʃer / mænjÊŠ fæktʃe n. act or process of making a product by hand or by machine (especially on a large scale); specific branch of industry (i.e. linen manufacture); product made by hand or by machine v. make… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • manufacture — 1. verb From Latin words manus and factura, literally, put together by hand . Now it means the process of making products by hand, machinery, or other automated means. United States v. Anderson, D.C.Cal., 45 F.Supp. 943, 946. Meaning of word… …   Black's law dictionary

  • manufacture — 1. verb From Latin words manus and factura, literally, put together by hand . Now it means the process of making products by hand, machinery, or other automated means. United States v. Anderson, D.C.Cal., 45 F.Supp. 943, 946. Meaning of word… …   Black's law dictionary

  • manufacture — /mænjəˈfæktʃə / (say manyuh fakchuh), /ˈmænjəfæktʃə / (say manyuhfakchuh) noun 1. the making of goods or wares by manual labour or by machinery, especially on a large scale. 2. the making of anything. 3. the thing or material manufactured. –verb… …  

  • manufacture —    To fabricate or process from raw materials, especially by means of a large scale industrial operation. And, either the act of manufacturing or the manufactured product itself. Also see Art & Creative Materials Institute (ACMI), ASTM… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • manufacture — verb 1》 make (something) on a large scale using machinery. 2》 (of a living thing) produce (a substance) naturally. 3》 make or produce (something abstract) in a merely mechanical way. 4》 invent or fabricate (evidence or a story). noun the process… …   English new terms dictionary

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