ladle bowl

ladle bowl
кожух ковша

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "ladle bowl" в других словарях:

  • ladle — ► NOUN ▪ a large long handled spoon with a cup shaped bowl. ► VERB 1) serve or transfer with a ladle. 2) (ladle out) distribute in large amounts. DERIVATIVES ladleful noun. ORIGIN Old English, related …   English terms dictionary

  • Ladle (spoon) — A ladle is a type of spoon used to serve soup or other liquids. Although designs vary, a typical ladle has a long handle terminating in a deep bowl, frequently with the bowl oriented at an angle to the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out of a …   Wikipedia

  • ladle — ladler, n. /layd l/, n., v., ladled, ladling. n. 1. a long handled utensil with a cup shaped bowl for dipping or conveying liquids. 2. Metall. a bucketlike, refractory lined container for transferring molten metal. v.t. 3. to dip or convey with… …   Universalium

  • ladle — noun 1》 a large long handled spoon with a cup shaped bowl, used for serving soup or sauce. 2》 a container for transporting molten metal in a foundry. verb 1》 serve with a ladle. 2》 (ladle something out) distribute something in large amounts.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • ladle — la•dle [[t]ˈleɪd l[/t]] n. v. dled, dling 1) a long handled utensil with a cup shaped bowl for dipping or conveying liquids 2) mel a bucketlike, refractory lined container for transferring molten metal 3) to dip or convey with or as if with a… …   From formal English to slang

  • ladle — /ˈleɪdl / (say laydl) noun 1. a spoon with a deep bowl, often at an angle to its handle, which is used for serving liquids: a soup ladle. 2. Metallurgy a bucket like container for transferring molten metal. –verb (t) (ladled, ladling) 3. to dip… …  

  • ladle — n. & v. n. 1 a large long handled spoon with a cup shaped bowl used for serving esp. soups and gravy. 2 a vessel for transporting molten metal in a foundry. (often foll. by out) transfer (liquid) from one receptacle to another. Phrases and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • punch bowl — noun a large bowl for serving beverages; usually with a ladle • Hypernyms: ↑bowl * * * noun Etymology: punch (IV) 1. : a large bowl from which a beverage (as punch or lemonade) is served 2. : something suggestive of a punch bowl; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fathom the Bowl — (Roud 880) is an English Drinking song, probably dating from the nineteenth century.ynopsis With a Come all ye opening, the singer invites heroes to join him in praise of punch. There is a catalogue of the ingredients that come from various… …   Wikipedia

  • punch bowl — punch′ bowl n. a large bowl from which punch or another beverage is served, usu. with a ladle • Etymology: 1685–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • punch bowl — a large bowl from which punch, lemonade, etc., is served, usually with a ladle. [1685 95] * * * …   Universalium

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