- just visible red heat
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Red — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or near the colour seen at the least refracted end of the visible spectrum, of shades ranging from that of blood to pink or deep orange. 2 flushed in the face with shame, anger, etc. 3 (of the eyes) bloodshot or red rimmed… … Useful english dictionary
red — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or near the colour seen at the least refracted end of the visible spectrum, of shades ranging from that of blood to pink or deep orange. 2 flushed in the face with shame, anger, etc. 3 (of the eyes) bloodshot or red rimmed… … Useful english dictionary
Red-footed tortoise — Conservation status Endangered ( … Wikipedia
Red-winged Fairywren — Male in nuptial plumage, Margaret River, Western Australia Conservation status … Wikipedia
Red dwarf — According to the Hertzsprung Russell diagram, a red dwarf star is a small and relatively cool star, of the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type. They constitute the vast majority of stars and have a mass of less than one half that of… … Wikipedia
Red-eared slider — Taxobox name = Red Eared Slider status = LC status system = iucn2.3 image width = 250px image caption = Red eared slider regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida subclassis = Anapsida ordo = Testudines familia = Emydidae genus =… … Wikipedia
Red giant — A red giant is a luminous giant star of low or intermediate mass (roughly 0.5 ndash;10 solar masses) that is in a late phase of stellar evolution. The outer atmosphere is inflated and tenuous, making the radius immense and the surface temperature … Wikipedia
Red-winged Fairy-wren — Taxobox name = Red winged Fairy wren image width = 220px image caption = Male in nuptial plumage, Margaret River, Western Australia status = LC status system = iucn3.1 status ref = [BirdLife International 2004.… … Wikipedia
Habitability of red dwarf systems — Determining the habitability of red dwarf systems could help reveal how likely extraterrestrial life is to exist, as red dwarfs make up a majority of all the stars in the galaxy. Critical factors assumed to be impediments to habitablity include… … Wikipedia
H20 just add water — H2O (série télévisée) Pour les articles homonymes, voir eau (homonymie). H2O Logo de la série H2O Titre origi … Wikipédia en Français
H2O: Just Add Water — H2O (série télévisée) Pour les articles homonymes, voir eau (homonymie). H2O Logo de la série H2O Titre origi … Wikipédia en Français