- ionic compound
ионное соединение
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Ionic compound — In chemistry, an ionic compound is a chemical compound in which ions are held together in a lattice structure by ionic bonds. Usually, the positively charged portion consists of metal cations and the negatively charged portion is a halogen or… … Wikipedia
ionic compound — joninis junginys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Junginys, sudarytas iš teigiamųjų ir neigiamųjų jonų, sujungtų elektrostatinės sąveikos jėgomis. atitikmenys: angl. ionic compound rus. ионное соединение … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ionic compound — joninis junginys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ionic compound vok. Ionenverbindung, f rus. ионное соединение, n pranc. composé ionique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Hydrated ionic compound — Hydrated ionic compounds are those ionic compounds which contain water molecules inside their crystal lattice. The water is not chemically bonded to the crystal in any way, and may be driven off by heating the hydrated compound. Rules For Naming… … Wikipedia
Binary ionic compound — A binary ionic compound is a salt consisting of only two elements in which both elements are ions, a cation and an anion. When naming these compounds, its composition must be considered. Type 1 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation … Wikipedia
Ionic — or Ionian may refer to:In science: * Ion, in physics and chemistry, an atom or group of atoms with a net electric charge ** Ionic bond, a type of chemical bond involving ions ** Ionic compound, a chemical compound in which ions are held together… … Wikipedia
Ionic bond — [ noble gas electron configuration, and this electron enters the chlorine atom exothermically. The oppositely charged ions are then attracted to each other, and their bonding releases energy. The net transfer of energy is that energy leaves the… … Wikipedia
compound — compound1 compoundable, adj. compoundedness, n. compounder, n. adj. /kom pownd, kom pownd /; n. /kom pownd/; v. /keuhm pownd , kom pownd/, adj. 1. composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients: Soap is a compound substance. 2 … Universalium
ionic bond — Chem. the electrostatic bond between two ions formed through the transfer of one or more electrons. Also called electrovalence, electrovalent bond. [1935 40] * * * Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound.… … Universalium
ionic bond — noun a chemical bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion • Syn: ↑electrovalent bond, ↑electrostatic bond • Hypernyms: ↑chemical bond, ↑bond * * * noun Etymology … Useful english dictionary
Ionic polymer-metal composite — IPMC is also known as Ionic Polymer Metal Composite or Compound.Developed for use as artificial muscles, IPMc can result in a large shape deformation by applying a low voltage (from 1 to 5 volts). Applying a mechanical force to the substance will … Wikipedia