- industrial grade
технический сорт
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Industrial-grade prime — Industrial grade primes (the term is apparently due to Henri Cohen [Chris Caldwell, [http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=PRP The Prime Glossary: probable prime ] at The Prime Pages.] ) are integers for which primality has not been… … Wikipedia
industrial-grade integrated circuit — integrinis pramoninių įrenginių grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. industrial grade integrated circuit vok. integrierter Schaltkreis für industrielle Anwendung, m rus. микросхема для промышленной аппаратуры, f pranc.… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
grade — grade1 W3S3 [greıd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(standard)¦ 2¦(rank)¦ 3¦(mark in school)¦ 4 make the grade 5¦(school year)¦ 6¦(slope)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: Latin gradus step, d … Dictionary of contemporary English
Industrial wastewater treatment — covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat waters that have been contaminated in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its re use.Most industries produce some wet waste… … Wikipedia
industrial-strength — adjective extremely strong or concentrated or durable industrial strength detergent weapons grade salsa • Syn: ↑weapons grade • Similar to: ↑strong * * * adj often humorous : stronger, more powerful, or more … Useful english dictionary
Industrial history of the People's Republic of China — Main articles: Economy and economic history of the People s Republic of China. China s industrial sector has shown great progress since 1949, but in the late 1980s it remained undeveloped in many respects. Although the country manufactured… … Wikipedia
Industrial plans for Germany — The Level of Industry plans for Germany were the effected Allied plans to lower and control German industrial potential after World War II. BackgroundAt the Potsdam conference, with the U.S. operating under influence of the Morgenthau plan, [Cite … Wikipedia
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
Grade I listed buildings in Greater Manchester — ManchestertockportWigan| ee also*Architecture of Manchester *Conservation in the United Kingdom *Grade II* listed buildings in Greater Manchester *List of tallest buildings in Manchester *Scheduled Monuments in Greater ManchesterNotes and… … Wikipedia
industrial diamond — ▪ mineral any diamond that is designated for industrial use, principally as a cutting tool or abrasive. In general, industrial diamonds are too badly flawed, irregularly shaped, poorly coloured, or small to be of value as gems, but they are … Universalium
industrial diamond — noun A diamond of quality too low to be gem grade but useful in industry because of the diamonds great hardness, usually used as an abrasive … Wiktionary