- holed
• волоченый• просверленный
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
holed up — ADJ: v link ADJ If you are holed up somewhere, you are hiding or staying there, usually so that other people cannot find or disturb you. [INFORMAL] If he had another well stocked hideaway like this, he could stay holed up for months... I wanted… … English dictionary
holed stones — One of the most widespread magic devices to protect both man and beast was a pebble with a natural hole in it, also called hagstone , witch stone , or (in the north east) adder stones . They were believed to repel witchcraft, and consequently… … A Dictionary of English folklore
-holed torus — noun A surface that is the boundary of an n holed solid torus for the specified number n … Wiktionary
holed — həʊl n. opening, gap; cavity, hollow; burrow, den; pothole; prison cell; dingy dirty place v. excavate, create a hole, perforate … English contemporary dictionary
holed — … Useful english dictionary
-holed solid torus — noun A three dimensional topological space that is a handlebody with the specified number of 1 handles … Wiktionary
holed-stones — North Country (Newcastle) Words ...a charm against diseases … English dialects glossary
Nine-holed Bridge — The Nine Holed Bridge (Hungarian Kilenclyuku híd) is the most identifiable symbol of the Hortobágy, Hungary s great plain. This Arch bridge is the longest road stone bridge in historic Hungary prior to 1921 when Hungary was reduced to one third… … Wikipedia
(be) holed up — ˌhole ˈup | be ˌholed ˈup derived (informal) to hide in a place • He ll hole up now and move again tomorrow, after dark. • We believe the gang are holed up in the mountains. Main entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
pot-holed — also potholed ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pot holed road has a lot of potholes in it … English dictionary
pot|holed — «POT HOHLD», adjective. having many potholes: »potholed streets … Useful english dictionary