high-Z material

high-Z material
вещество с большим Z
вещество с большим атомным номером

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "high-Z material" в других словарях:

  • High-definition material — Фотоматериал с высокой разрешающей способностью …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • High-definition television — Logo High definition television (HDTV) is video that has resolution substantially higher than that of traditional television systems (standard definition television). HDTV has one or two million pixels per frame, roughly five times that of SD… …   Wikipedia

  • High-k dielectric — The term high κ dielectric refers to a material with a high dielectric constant (κ) (as compared to silicon dioxide) used in semiconductor manufacturing processes which replaces the silicon dioxide gate dielectric. The implementation of high κ… …   Wikipedia

  • High-k+Metal-Gate-Technik — Schematischer Querschnitt durch den Gate Aufbau eines Transistors in High k+Metal Gate Technik Die High k+Metal Gate Technik (HKMG Technik) bezeichnet in der Halbleitertechnik einen speziellen Aufbau von Metall Isolator Halbleiter… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • High Definition Television — [haɪ ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃən ˈtɛlɪvɪʒən] (HDTV, engl. für hochauflösendes Fernsehen) ist ein Sammelbegriff, der eine Reihe von Fernsehnormen bezeichnet, die sich gegenüber dem Standard Definition Television (SDTV) durch eine erhöhte vertikale, horizontale… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • High explosive anti-tank warhead — High explosive anti tank (HEAT) rounds are made of an explosive shaped charge that uses the Neumann effect (a development of the Munroe effect) to create a very high velocity jet of metal in a state of superplasticity that can punch through solid …   Wikipedia

  • High speed steel — (often abbreviated HSS, sometimes HS) is a material usually used in the manufacture of machine tool bits and other cutters. It is often used in power saw blades and drill bits. It is superior to the older high carbon steel tools used extensively… …   Wikipedia

  • High performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites — (HPFRCCs) are a group of fiber reinforced cement based composites which possess the unique ability to flex and self strengthen before fracturing. This particular class of concrete was developed with the goal of solving the structural problems… …   Wikipedia

  • High energy X-rays — or HEX rays are very hard X rays, with 80 keV 1000 keV typically one order of magnitude higher in energy than conventional X rays (and well into the gamma ray energies of over 120 keV). They are produced at modern synchrotron radiation sources… …   Wikipedia

  • Material Issue — Background information Origin Chicago Genres Power pop …   Wikipedia

  • High Explosive Incendiary/Armor Piercing Ammunition — (HEIAP) is a form of shell which combines both an armour piercing capability and a high explosive effect. In this respect it is a modern version of armour piercing shell. The ammunition may also be called Semi armor piercing high explosive… …   Wikipedia

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