Normal direction — Normal direction. См. Нормальное направление. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Normal force — FN represents the normal force In mechanics, the normal force (occasionally N) is the component, perpendicular to the surface of contact, of the contact force exerted on an object by, for example, the surface of a floor or wall, preventing the… … Wikipedia
normal — normal, ale, aux [ nɔrmal, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1753; verbe normal h. XVe; lat. normalis, de norma « équerre » 1 ♦ Math. Droite normale, ou n. f. la normale à une courbe, à une surface en un point : droite perpendiculaire à la tangente, au plan… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Normal, Illinois — Uptown Normal looking east on North Street … Wikipedia
Direction finding — (DF) refers to the establishment of the direction from which a received signal was transmitted. This can refer to radio or other forms of wireless communication. By combining the direction information from two or more suitably spaced receivers… … Wikipedia
Normal Community High School — is a public high school located in Normal, Illinois that was founded in 1905. NCHS serves parts of Normal, Bloomington, and Towanda and is home to over 1,900 students (grades 9–12) with 150 faculty and staff. The Chicago Sun Times named it as one … Wikipedia
Normal mode — For other types of mode, see Mode (disambiguation). Vibration of a single normal mode of a circular disc with a pinned boundary condition along the entire outer edge. See other modes. A normal mode of an oscillating system is a pattern of motio … Wikipedia
Normal distribution — This article is about the univariate normal distribution. For normally distributed vectors, see Multivariate normal distribution. Probability density function The red line is the standard normal distribution Cumulative distribution function … Wikipedia
Normal school — A historic marker commemorating Florence State Teachers College in the United States, now the University of North Alabama, the oldest state supported teachers college south of the Ohio River. A normal school is a school created to train high… … Wikipedia
Normal subgroup — Concepts in group theory category of groups subgroups, normal subgroups group homomorphisms, kernel, image, quotient direct product, direct sum semidirect product, wreath product … Wikipedia
normal fault — Fault Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.] 1. Defect; want; lack; default. [1913 Webster] One, it pleases me, for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English