hand torch

hand torch
ручная горелка

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hand torch" в других словарях:

  • hand torch — noun Britain : flashlight …   Useful english dictionary

  • hand-held — /hand held /, adj. 1. held in the hand or hands: a hand held torch. 2. small enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand or hands: a hand held hair drier. n. 3. something small enough to be used or operated while held in the hand… …   Universalium

  • hand-held — hand′held orhand′ held adj. 1) cvb held in the hand or hands: a handheld torch[/ex] 2) cvb compact enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand or hands: a handheld camcorder[/ex] 3) cvb something small enough to be used or operated …   From formal English to slang

  • Hand on the Torch — Infobox Album | Name = Hand on the Torch Type = Album Artist = Us3 Released = November 16, 1993 Genre = Jazz/Hip Hop Length = 57:35 Label = Blue Note Producer = Mel Simpson, Geoff Wilkinson Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4|5… …   Wikipedia

  • Torch — Originally, a torch was a portable source of fire used as a source of light, usually a rod shaped piece of wood with a rag soaked in pitch and/or some other flammable material wrapped around one end. Torches were often supported in sconces by… …   Wikipedia

  • TORCH report — The TORCH report (The Other Report on Chernobyl) was requested by the European Greens in 2006, for the twentieth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, in reply to a controversial report by the Chernobyl Forum.In 2006, German Green Member of the… …   Wikipedia

  • torch — [[t]tɔ͟ː(r)tʃ[/t]] torches, torching, torched 1) N COUNT A torch is a small electric light which is powered by batteries and which you can carry in your hand. [BRIT] (in AM, use flashlight) 2) N COUNT A torch is a long stick with burning material …   English dictionary

  • Torch (juggling) — Torches are juggling props used in many toss juggling routines. Juggling torches are essentially a club or stick on which the far end is an attached wick. Wicks The two most common wicks used with juggling torches are: *Kevlar para aramid… …   Wikipedia

  • torch — 01. The Vikings had brought [torches] to set fire to the enemy village. 02. The villagers used [torches] to chase the monster back to the castle. 03. When we went camping, we made [torches] using branches dipped in sap from a fir tree. 04. A… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • torch — I UK [tɔː(r)tʃ] / US [tɔrtʃ] noun [countable] Word forms torch : singular torch plural torches * 1) British a small electric light operated by batteries that you hold in your hand. The American word is flashlight Don t shine your torch straight… …   English dictionary

  • torch — torch1 torchable, adj. torchless, adj. torchlike, adj. /tawrch/, n. 1. a light to be carried in the hand, consisting of some combustible substance, as resinous wood, or of twisted flax or the like soaked with tallow or other flammable substance,… …   Universalium

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