hand bucket

hand bucket

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hand bucket" в других словарях:

  • Hand pump — This article is about water and air pumps. For the beer dispensing device, see Beer engine. A rural handpump in Belgium. Hand pumps are manually operated pumps; they use human power and mechanical advantage to move fluids or air from one place to …   Wikipedia

  • Bucket argument — Isaac Newton s rotating bucket argument (also known as Newton s bucket ) was designed to demonstrate that true rotational motion cannot be defined as the relative rotation of the body with respect to the immediately surrounding bodies. It is one… …   Wikipedia

  • Bucket brigade — A Bucket brigade is a method for transporting items where items are passed from one stationary person to the next. More specifically, it refers to a method of firefighting before the advent of hand pumped fire engines, whereby firefighters would… …   Wikipedia

  • bucket — 1. n. the goal (hoop and net) in basketball. (Sports.) □ Freddy arced one at the bucket and missed. □ When he holds his arm up, his hand is as high as the top of the bucket. 2. n. a hoop or basket in basketball. (Sports.) □ Four buckets in two… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Hand brake — In cars, the hand brake (also known as the emergency brake, e brake, park brake, slide stick or parking brake) is a latching brake usually used to keep the car stationary. Automobile e brakes usually consist of a cable (usually adjustable for… …   Wikipedia

  • bucket pump — noun 1. : a vertical piston usually duplex pump whose valves are in the piston or pistons 2. : chain pump 3. : a hand operated force pump commonly used for spraying with liquids contained in a bucket …   Useful english dictionary

  • bucket brigade — noun Date: 1899 a chain of persons acting to put out a fire by passing buckets of water from hand to hand …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bucket brigade — noun a) A primitive firefighting technique, in which a long line of people pass buckets of water hand to hand from the nearest water source to the site of a fire, in an attempt to douse it. b) By extension, any process in which something is… …   Wiktionary

  • bucket brigade — noun 1. : a chain of persons acting to suppress a fire by passing buckets of water from hand to hand 2. : any chain (as of persons) acting to meet an emergency …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mop bucket cart — A mop bucket cart (or mop trolley) is a wheeled bucket that allows user to wring out a wet mop without getting the hands dirty. The cart has two buckets with the upper one usually clipped onto the lower.[1] The upper bucket is used to place wet… …   Wikipedia

  • Hyacinth Bucket — Infobox character colour = #99FFCC name = Hyacinth Bucket caption = Hyacinth Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances. first = Daddy s Accident (1990) last = The Pageant (1995) cause = nickname = The Bucket Woman alias = Hyacinth Bouquet gender = age =… …   Wikipedia

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