- greensand
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Greensand — is an olive green coloured sandstone rock which is commonly found in narrow bands, particularly associated with bands of chalk and clay worldwide; it has been deposited in marine environments at various times during Earth history, such as during… … Wikipedia
Greensand — Green sand ( s[a^]nd ), n. (Geol.) A variety of sandstone, usually imperfectly consolidated, consisting largely of glauconite, a silicate of iron and potash of a green color, mixed with sand and a trace of phosphate of lime. [1913 Webster] Note:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Greensand — (Geogn.), so v.w. Grünsand … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Greensand — (spr. grīn ßänd), soviel wie Grünsand, s. Grünerde und Kreideformation … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Greensand — Greensand, s. Grünsand … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
greensand — [grēn′sand΄] n. a green, sandy deposit containing much glauconite … English World dictionary
greensand — /ˈgrinsænd/ (say greensand) noun 1. a sandstone containing much glauconite, which gives it a greenish hue. 2. moulding sand, rich in organic matter, as used in a foundry …
greensand marl — greensand marl, a variety of marl having a low content of calcium carbonate and high amounts of potash and phosphorus, used as a fertilizer and as a water softener … Useful english dictionary
Greensand Ridge — The Greensand Ridge is the name given to the sandstone ridge running through Hampshire, Surrey and Kent.It is a part of a series of ridges running from west to east across the south east England. These ridges are the remains of the Wealden dome,… … Wikipedia
Greensand Way — Infobox Hiking trail Name=Greensands Way Photo=YaldingTwyford0529.jpg Caption=Crossing the Medway The Twyford Bridge, Yalding, Kent Location=South Eastern England, United Kingdom Designation=UK National Trail Length=Convert|169|km|mi|0 Start/End… … Wikipedia
greensand — noun Date: 1699 a sedimentary deposit that consists largely of dark greenish grains of glauconite often mingled with clay or sand … New Collegiate Dictionary