- gravity feed tank
бак с подачей (топлива) самотеком
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
gravity-feed fuel system — An aircraft fuel system in which the fuel from the supply tank to the engine is fed under gravity, rather than with the help of a booster pump. See aircraft fuel system … Aviation dictionary
gravity feed — A fuel supply system where the gas tank is mounted higher than the carburetor. This system was used in some older cars where the gas tank was located in front of the windshield and in many motorcycles … Dictionary of automotive terms
Mark I tank — A British Mark I male tank near Thiepval on 26 September 1916, fitted with wire mesh to deflect grenades and the initial steering tail, shown raised … Wikipedia
Fernald Feed Materials Production Center — The Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (commonly referred to simply as Fernald) was a uranium processing facility located near the rural town of Fernald, in Hamilton County, Ohio, about 20 miles northwest of Cincinnati, which fabricated… … Wikipedia
Hawker Hurricane variants — The Hawker Hurricane was a British single seat fighter aircraft designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd. Some versions were built in Canada by the Canada Car and Foundry Co Ltdflagicon|United Kingdom British VariantsHurricane Mk I … Wikipedia
бак для подачи горючего самотёком — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN gravity feed tank … Справочник технического переводчика
Paintball marker — A paintball marker, also known as a paintball gun, is the central or main piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Markers make use of an expanding gas such as carbon dioxide, compressed air or nitrogen dioxide to propel paintballs through… … Wikipedia
Paintball equipment — is central to paintball, given its equipment intensive nature. Although good equipment by no means guarantees a good player, a good player s ability can be seriously hampered by poor quality equipment. In order to safely conduct a game of… … Wikipedia
Tippmann — Sports LLC Type LLC Industry Paintball Pneumatic Sewing Machines Industrial Founded Fort … Wikipedia
Vapor lock — (also known as vapour lock) is a problem that mostly affects gasoline fueled internal combustion engines. It occurs when the liquid fuel changes state from liquid to gas while still in the fuel delivery system. This disrupts the operation of the… … Wikipedia
Fuel pump — should not be confused with fuel dispenser, a device that dispenses fuel into an automobile. A high pressure fuel pump on a Yanmar 2GM20 marine diesel engine. A fuel pump is a frequently (but not always) essential component on a car or other… … Wikipedia