- galvano cautery
гальваническое травление
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
galvanocautery — /gal veuh noh kaw teuh ree, gal van oh /, n., pl. galvanocauteries. Med. 1. a cautery heated by a galvanic current. 2. cauterization by means of such a cautery. [1870 75; GALVANO + CAUTERY] * * * … Universalium
galvanocautery — /gal veuh noh kaw teuh ree, gal van oh /, n., pl. galvanocauteries. Med. 1. a cautery heated by a galvanic current. 2. cauterization by means of such a cautery. [1870 75; GALVANO + CAUTERY] … Useful english dictionary
gal|va|no|cau|ter|y — «GAL vuh noh K tuhr ee, gal VAN oh », noun, plural ter|ies. 1. a cautery consisting of a wire heated by resistance to an electric current. 2. cauterization by such means. ╂[< galvano + cautery] … Useful english dictionary