- fusible plug
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Fusible plug — Fusible Fu si*ble, a. [F. fusible. See {Fuse}, v. t.] CapabIe of being melted or liquefied. [1913 Webster] {Fusible metal}, any alloy of different metals capable of being easily fused, especially an alloy of five parts of bismuth, three of lead,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fusible plug — A fusible plug is a threaded metal plug, usually made out of bronze, brass, or gunmetal. The plug typically has a tapered hole drilled completely through its length. This hole is then sealed with a metal of low melting point, usually lead or tin … Wikipedia
fusible plug — Plug or fitting made with a metal of a known low melting temperature. Used as safety device to release pressures in case of fire … Dictionary of automotive terms
fusible plug — /ˈfjuzəbəl plʌg/ (say fyoohzuhbuhl plug) noun a safety device consisting of a low melting alloy which is designed to release pressure, in a piece of industrial or domestic equipment, at a predetermined temperature …
Fusible — Fu si*ble, a. [F. fusible. See {Fuse}, v. t.] CapabIe of being melted or liquefied. [1913 Webster] {Fusible metal}, any alloy of different metals capable of being easily fused, especially an alloy of five parts of bismuth, three of lead, and two… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fusible metal — Fusible Fu si*ble, a. [F. fusible. See {Fuse}, v. t.] CapabIe of being melted or liquefied. [1913 Webster] {Fusible metal}, any alloy of different metals capable of being easily fused, especially an alloy of five parts of bismuth, three of lead,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plug — may refer to: * Plug (comic) * Plug (fishing), a family of fishing lures * Plug (horticulture), a planting technique * An electrical connector ** DC plug, or DC connector ** Power plug ** Power connector ** Jack (connector) * Plug (jewellery), a… … Wikipedia
fusible plugs — Safety devices fitted on high performance aircraft to protect them from tire explosions caused by overheating from excessive brake temperatures. As soon as the brake temperature exceeds a predetermined figure, the fusible plug melts and permits a … Aviation dictionary
plug fuse — kamštinis saugiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. fuse plug; plug fuse; safety plug vok. Patronensicherung, f; Schmelzstöpsel, m; Sicherungspatrone, f; Stöpselsicherung, f rus. пробковый предохранитель, m; пробочный… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
plug fuse — kamštinis saugiklis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fuse plug; plug fuse; safety plug vok. Patronensicherung, f; Sicherungspatrone, f rus. предохранительная пробка, f; пробковый предохранитель, m; пробочный предохранитель, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Safety plug — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English