furnace desulphurization

furnace desulphurization
десульфурация в печи

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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  • Steeluniversity.org — Infobox Website name = steeluniversity.org url = http://www.steeluniversity.org commercial = Non profit type = E learning language = English, Spanish, Chinese (traditional simplified), Korean, Russian, German registration = Optional owner =… …   Wikipedia

  • de|sul|phu|ri|za|tion — de|sul|fu|ri|za|tion or de|sul|phu|ri|za|tion «dee SUHL fuhr uh ZAY shuhn, fyuhr », noun. the act or process of desulfurizing: »The melting and refining process is to be done in an electric furnace, said to offer the best metallurgical condition… …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|sul|fu|ri|za|tion — or de|sul|phu|ri|za|tion «dee SUHL fuhr uh ZAY shuhn, fyuhr », noun. the act or process of desulfurizing: »The melting and refining process is to be done in an electric furnace, said to offer the best metallurgical condition for desulphurization… …   Useful english dictionary

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