- fundamental term
фундаментальный терм
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
fundamental term — See fundamental breach. Related links condition warranty Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 … Law dictionary
fundamental term — pagrindinis termas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fundamental term; ground term vok. Grundterm, m rus. основной терм, m pranc. terme fondamental, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
fundamental term — A term in a contract that is of such importance to the contract that to omit it would make the contract useless. Fundamental terms cannot be exempted from a contract, whereas lesser terms, known as conditions and warranty, can be exempted by… … Big dictionary of business and management
fundamental term — principle condition whose violation is as if a contract was violated … English contemporary dictionary
fundamental breach — A breach of contract which has particularly serious consequences for the injured party; for example, where the installation of defective machinery causes a fire which destroys the buyer s premises. The expression may also be used to refer to the… … Law dictionary
Fundamental breach — A fundamental breach of a contract, sometimes known as a repudiatory breach, is a breach so fundamental that it permits the distressed party to terminate performance of the contract, in addition to entitling that party to sue for damages. United… … Wikipedia
Fundamental justice — is a legal term that signifies a dynamic concept of fairness underlying the administration of justice and its operation, whereas principles of fundamental justice are specific legal principles that command significant societal consensus as… … Wikipedia
Fundamental Articles — • This term was employed by Protestant theologians to distinguish the essential parts of the Christian faith from those non essential doctrines, which, as they believed, individual churches might accept or reject without forfeiting their claim to … Catholic encyclopedia
Fundamental articles (theology) — Fundamental articles was a term employed by early Protestant theologians, who wished to distinguish some essential parts of the Christian faith from non essential doctrines. There were then a number of reasons for establishing such a distinction … Wikipedia
Fundamental analysis — of a business involves analyzing its financial statements and health, its management and competitive advantages, and its competitors and markets. The term is used to distinguish such analysis from other types of investment analysis, such as… … Wikipedia
fundamental — adj 1 Fundamental, basic, basal, underlying, radical are comparable when they mean forming or affecting the groundwork, roots, or lowest part of something. Fundamental is used chiefly in reference to immaterial things or to abstractions, whether… … New Dictionary of Synonyms