full blow

full blow
полное дутье
продувка до полного прекращения пламени

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "full blow" в других словарях:

  • blow — blow1 /bloh/, n. 1. a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon: a blow to the head. 2. a sudden shock, calamity, reversal, etc.: His wife s death was a terrible blow to him. 3. a sudden attack or drastic action: The invaders struck a blow …   Universalium

  • blow — 1. v. & n. v. (past blew; past part. blown) 1 a intr. (of the wind or air, or impersonally) move along; act as an air current (it was blowing hard). b intr. be driven by an air current (waste paper blew along the gutter). c tr. drive with an air… …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow — I [[t]bloʊ[/t]] n. 1) a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon 2) a sudden shock, calamity, reversal, etc 3) a sudden attack or drastic action • come to blows Etymology: 1425–75; late ME blaw, N form repr. later blowe II blow… …   From formal English to slang

  • blow — I. verb (blew; blown; blowing) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English blāwan; akin to Old High German blāen to blow, Latin flare, Greek phallos penis Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. of air …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Blow Up Your Video — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Blow Up Your Video Álbum de AC/DC Publicación 18 de enero, 1988 Grabación Agosto Septiembre de 1987 …   Wikipedia Español

  • full — [adj1] brimming, filled abounding, abundant, adequate, awash, big, bounteous, brimful, burdened, bursting, chockablock, chock full, competent, complete, crammed, crowded, entire, extravagant, glutted, gorged, imbued, impregnated, intact, jammed,… …   New thesaurus

  • BLOW (J.) — BLOW JOHN (1649 1708) Pour la postérité, le nom de John Blow est lié à celui de Henry Purcell, dont il a été à la fois le maître et l’ami, et à la mémoire duquel il a dédié une de ses plus nobles compositions, Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • blow in — {v.}, {slang} To arrive unexpectedly or in a carefree way. * /The house was already full of guests when Bill blew in./ Compare SHOW UP(3) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blow up — {v.} 1a. To break or destroy or to be destroyed by explosion. * /He blew up the plane by means of a concealed bomb./ * /The fireworks factory blew up when something went wrong in an electric switch./ 1b. {informal} To explode with anger or strong …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blow in — {v.}, {slang} To arrive unexpectedly or in a carefree way. * /The house was already full of guests when Bill blew in./ Compare SHOW UP(3) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blow up — {v.} 1a. To break or destroy or to be destroyed by explosion. * /He blew up the plane by means of a concealed bomb./ * /The fireworks factory blew up when something went wrong in an electric switch./ 1b. {informal} To explode with anger or strong …   Dictionary of American idioms

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