flue opening

flue opening
свободное сечение насадки

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "flue opening" в других словарях:

  • flue stop — noun an organ stop with the tone of a flue pipe • Hypernyms: ↑organ stop * * * noun 1. : a pipe organ stop made up of flue pipes 2. or flue stopper : a stop for a flue opening * * * a rank of flue pipes in an organ. [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flue — (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flue boiler — Flue Flue (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flue bridge — Flue Flue (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flue plate — Flue Flue (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flue sheet — Flue Flue (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flue surface — Flue Flue (fl[=u]), n. [Cf. OF. flue a flowing, fr. fluer to flow, fr. L. fluere (cf. {Fluent}); a perh. a corruption of E. flute.] 1. An inclosed passage way for establishing and directing a current of air, gases, etc.; an air passage; esp.: (a) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flue — flue1 [flo͞o] n. [< ? OFr fluie, a flowing, stream] 1. a tube, pipe, or shaft for the passage of smoke, hot air, exhaust fumes, etc., esp. in a chimney 2. [ME, mouthpiece of a hunting horn] a) a flue pipe in an organ b) the opening or passage… …   English World dictionary

  • flue pipe — n. an organ pipe in which the tone is produced by a current of air striking the lip of the mouth, or opening, in the pipe …   English World dictionary

  • Flue pipe — Four flue pipes of a diapason rank. A flue pipe (also referred to as a labial pipe) is an organ pipe that produces sound through the vibration of air molecules, in the same manner as a recorder or a whistle. Air under pressure (referred to as… …   Wikipedia

  • flue pipe — noun organ pipe whose tone is produced by air passing across the sharp edge of a fissure or lip • Syn: ↑flue, ↑labial pipe • Hypernyms: ↑organ pipe, ↑pipe, ↑pipework * * * noun 1. : a pip …   Useful english dictionary

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