- flat blank
плоская заготовка
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Flat blank — Плоская заготовка для профилирования … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
blank — [blaŋk] adj. [ME < OFr blanc, white < Frank * blank, white, gleaming, akin to OE blanca, white steed < IE * bhleg , to shine: see BLACK] 1. Obs. colorless or white 2. a) not written, recorded, etc. on; not marked; empty [a blank sheet of … English World dictionary
blank — blankness, n. /blangk/, adj., blanker, blankest, n., v. adj. 1. (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks; not written or printed on: a blank sheet of paper. 2. not filled in, as a printed form: a blank check. 3. unrelieved or unbroken… … Universalium
blank — [[t]blæŋk[/t]] adj. blank•er, blank•est, n. v. 1) having no marks; not written or printed on: blank pages[/ex] 2) not filled in: a blank check[/ex] 3) unrelieved or unbroken by ornament or opening: a blank wall[/ex] 4) containing no recorded… … From formal English to slang
blank — /blæŋk / (say blangk) adjective 1. (of paper, etc.) free from marks; not written or printed on. 2. not filled in: a blank cheque. 3. unrelieved or unbroken by ornament or opening: a blank wall. 4. lacking some usual or completing feature; empty.… …
flat — Synonyms and related words: 3 D, Pullman, Pullman car, abeyant, absolute, absolutely, absonant, accented, accidental, accommodation, accordant, accumbent, achromatic, achromic, act drop, admitting no exception, alabaster, alike, alkali flat, all… … Moby Thesaurus
blank — 1. adjective 1) a blank sheet of paper Syn: empty, unmarked, unused, clear, free, bare, clean, plain Ant: full 2) a blank face Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
flat solid — noun a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width • Syn: ↑sheet • Hypernyms: ↑artifact, ↑artefact • Hyponyms: ↑blackboard, ↑chalkboard, ↑blank, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
blank — Synonyms and related words: Olympian, absence, absolute, aloof, arid, awayness, backward, bald, bare, barren, bashful, bewildered, black, blah, bland, blankminded, bleached, blind, blind alley, bloodless, box, calm, cecal, characterless, chasm,… … Moby Thesaurus
Key blank — A key blank (sometimes spelled keyblank) is a key that has not been cut to a specific bitting. The blank has a specific cross sectional profile to match the keyway in a corresponding lock cylinder. Key blanks can be stamped with a manufacturer… … Wikipedia
point-blank — 1. adverb 1) he fired the pistol point blank Syn: at close range, close up, close to 2) she couldn t say it point blank Syn: bluntly, directly, straight, frankly, candidly, openly, explicitly, unequivocally … Thesaurus of popular words