first-draft drawing

first-draft drawing
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "first-draft drawing" в других словарях:

  • draft — /draft / (say drahft) noun 1. Also, draught. a drawing, sketch, or design. 2. Also, draught. a first or preliminary form of any writing, subject to revision and copying. 3. Also, draught. the act of drawing; delineation. 4. US the taking of… …  

  • draft — I. noun Etymology: Middle English draght; akin to Old English dragan to draw more at draw Date: 13th century 1. a. the act of drawing a net b. haul 2b 2. a. the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling; also the portion drunk or inhaled in one… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • draft — Synonyms and related words: CD, IOU, MO, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, acceptance, acceptance bill, adumbrate, air current, arrangement, article, attraction, autograph, bag, bang, bank acceptance, bank check, beverage …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Drawing — For other uses, see Drawing (disambiguation). Male nude by Annibale Carracci, 16th century Drawing is a form of visual art that makes use of any number of drawing instruments to mark a two dimensional medium. Common instruments include graphite… …   Wikipedia

  • draft — draft1 [ dræft ] noun count ** ▸ 1 cold air ▸ 2 of plan/letter etc. ▸ 3 in sports ▸ 4 into military ▸ 5 amount of liquid ▸ 6 bank draft ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable: I feel a draft coming in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • draft — I UK [drɑːft] / US [dræft] noun [countable] Word forms draft : singular draft plural drafts ** 1) a) something such as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished draft of: I showed David a draft of the… …   English dictionary

  • draft — 1 noun 1 UNFINISHED FORM (C) a piece of writing, a drawing, or a plan that is not yet in its finished form: make a draft: Let s make a rough draft of the letter. | first/final draft: the first draft of a poem | draft proposal/copy/version etc: a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • draft — [drɑːft] noun [C] I 1) a piece of writing or a drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished a first draft of the letter[/ex] 2) the American spelling of draught I II verb [T] draft [drɑːft] to write a document, speech, or letter …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Draft — (dr[.a]ft), n. [The same word as draught. OE. draught, draht, fr. AS. dragan to draw. See {Draw}, and cf. {Draught}.] 1. The act of drawing; also, the thing drawn. Same as {Draught}. [1913 Webster] Everything available for draft burden. S. G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • draft — (n.) c.1500, spelling variant of DRAUGHT (Cf. draught) (q.v.) to reflect change in pronunciation. Among the senses that have gone with this form of the word in Amer.Eng., the meaning rough copy of a writing (something drawn ) is attested from 14c …   Etymology dictionary

  • Draft lottery (1969) — Representative Alexander Pirnie (R NY) drawing the first number. On December 1, 1969, the Selective Service System of the United States conducted two lotteries to determine the order of call to military service in the Vietnam War for men born… …   Wikipedia

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