- filter cake
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Filter cake — A filter cake is formed by the substances that are retained in or on a filter (depending on whether a depth or a surface filter is used). The filter cake grows in the course of filtration, becomes thicker as particulate matter is being retained.… … Wikipedia
filter cake — filtravimo paplotis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Kompaktiškas kietų filtravimo medžiagų sluoksnis, susidaręs ant filtruojančios pertvaros. atitikmenys: angl. filter cake rus. фильтрационный осадок; фильтровальная лепешка; фильтровальный… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
filter cake — noun : the solid mass remaining on a filter after the liquid that contained it has passed through; specifically : the residue of impurities filtered from clarified juice of sugarcane that is used as a fertilizer … Useful english dictionary
filter cake — Смотри Кек … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
filter aid — noun : an agent consisting of solid particles (as of diatomite) that improves filtering efficiency (as by increasing the permeability of the filter cake) and that is either added to the suspension to be filtered or placed on the filter as a layer … Useful english dictionary
filter press — noun : a filter consisting usually of a series of rigid corrugated plates with intervening filter medium (as cloth) assembled in a framework so that the suspension to be filtered can be forced under pressure into the assembled press and the… … Useful english dictionary
press cake — noun : a cake of compressed substance: as a. : a filter cake formed in a filter press (as in the manufacture of cane sugar) b. : an oil cake obtained by expression … Useful english dictionary
chamber filter — noun : a filter press in which the spaces for the filter cake are formed by raised edges on the plates … Useful english dictionary
Agitated Nutsche Filter — (ANF) is a filtration technique used in appliactions such as dye, paint, and pharmaceutical production [cite book |title=Pharmaceutical Production: An Engineering Guide |last=Bennett |first=Bill |coauthors=Cole, Graham |year=2002… … Wikipedia
Rotary vacuum-drum filter — Rotary vacuum filter drum processes start with a pre coat usually consisting of diatomaceous earth (DE) or other types of filter aid. After pre coat has been applied, a broth is sent to the bed of the drum. The drum skims the surface of the broth … Wikipedia
sulfitation cake — noun : the residue of sugarcane juice from filter presses that has been treated by sulfitation and formed into a cake containing lime and phosphorus and used for fertilizer … Useful english dictionary