- filter bed
фильтрующий слой
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Filter bed — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
filter bed — n. a tank, covered trench, etc. with a sand or gravel bottom, used to filter water, sewage, etc … English World dictionary
filter bed — filtruojantysis sluoksnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. filter bed; filter blanket vok. Filterbett, n; Filterschicht, f rus. фильтрующий слой, m pranc. couche filtrante, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
filter bed — fil′ter bed n. civ a pond or tank having a false bottom covered with sand and serving to filter river or pond waters • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
filter bed — /ˈfɪltə bɛd/ (say filtuh bed) noun a layer of sand, gravel, charcoal, etc., in a pond, tank, or container, which serves to filter impurities out of the water which flows through it …
filter bed — noun filter consisting of a layer of sand or gravel for filtering water • Hypernyms: ↑filter … Useful english dictionary
filter bed — a pond or tank having a false bottom covered with sand and serving to filter river or pond waters. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
filter bed — noun Date: circa 1874 a sand or gravel bed for filtering water or sewage … New Collegiate Dictionary
filter bed — noun a tank or pond containing a layer of sand or gravel, used for filtering large quantities of liquid … English new terms dictionary
Filter — Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other liquid may … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter gallery — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English