- field-emission method
автоэлектронный метод
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Field emission — (FE) is the emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed phase into another phase due to the presence of high electric fields. In this phenomenon, electrons with energies below the Fermi level tunnel through the potential barrier at the… … Wikipedia
Emission spectrum — The emission spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound is the spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the element s atoms or the compound s molecules when they are returned to a lower energy state. Each element s … Wikipedia
Thermionic emission — Closeup of the filament on a low pressure mercury gas discharge lamp showing white thermionic emission mix coating on the central portion of the coil. Typically made of a mixture of barium, strontium and calcium oxides, the coating is sputtered… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic near-field scanner — could be defined as a measurement system to determine a spatial distribution of an electrical quantity provided by a single or multiple field probes acquired in the near field region of a device under test possibly accompanied by the associated… … Wikipedia
Near-field scanner — Electromagnetic near field scanner could be defined as a measurement system to determine a spatial distribution of an electrical quantity provided by a single or multiple field probes acquired in the near field region of a device under test… … Wikipedia
Quantum field theory — In quantum field theory (QFT) the forces between particles are mediated by other particles. For instance, the electromagnetic force between two electrons is caused by an exchange of photons. But quantum field theory applies to all fundamental… … Wikipedia
Monte Carlo method — Not to be confused with Monte Carlo algorithm. Computational physics … Wikipedia
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry — Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission SpectrometryA test method of quantitative identification of the elements, Aluminium, Silicon, Sodium, Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, Calcium, Zinc and Phosphorus in residual fuel oils.A weighted test sample is… … Wikipedia
History of scientific method — The history of scientific method is inseparable from the history of science itself. The development and elaboration of rules for scientific reasoning and investigation has not been straightforward; scientific method has been the subject of… … Wikipedia
Particle-induced X-ray emission — or proton induced X ray emission (PIXE) is a technique used in the determining of the elemental make up of a material or sample. When a material is exposed to an ion beam, atomic interactions occur that give off EM radiation of wavelengths in the … Wikipedia
Near-field scanning optical microscope — Near field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM/SNOM) is a microscopic technique for nanostructure investigation that breaks the far field resolution limit by exploiting the properties of evanescent waves. This is done by placing the detector very… … Wikipedia