
огнеупорная шайба
огнеупорная шайба, ограничивающая растекание металла при приварке шпилек

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "ferrule" в других словарях:

  • Ferrule — (engl. für Hülse) steht für: Die Aderendhülse, zum Verpressen von flexiblen Leiterenden; Verbinden von Einzeladern an Schraubklemmen, Federzugklemmen in der Elektrik. Das Führungsröhrchen, das im Stecker eines Lichtwellenleiters die Faser… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ferrule — ferrule, ferule Ferrule, also spelt ferrel, is the ring or cup used to strengthen the end of a walking stick or umbrella, and is derived from Latin ferrum meaning ‘iron’. A ferule, also spelt ferula, is a flat implement formerly used for beating… …   Modern English usage

  • ferrule — [fer′əl, fer′o͞ol΄] n. [formerly verrel < ME & OFr virole, iron ring on a staff < L viriola, dim. of viriae, bracelets, via Celt < IE * weir , wire, twisted work (> WIRE) < base * wei , to bend, twist > L viere, to twist, bind… …   English World dictionary

  • Ferrule — Fer rule (f[e^]r r[i^]l or f[e^]r r[.u]l; 277), n. [Formerly verrel, F. virole, fr. L. viriola little bracelet, dim. of viriae, pl., bracelets; prob. akin to viere to twist, weave, and E. withe. The spelling with f is due to confusion with L.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ferrule — metal cap on a rod, 1610s, ferule, earlier verrel (early 15c.), from O.Fr. virelle, from L. viriola bracelet, dim. of viriae bracelets, from a Gaulish word (Cf. O.Ir. fiar bent, crooked ); spelling influenced by L. ferrum iron …   Etymology dictionary

  • ferrule — ► NOUN 1) a ring or cap which strengthens the end of a handle, stick, or tube. 2) a metal band strengthening or forming a joint. ORIGIN Old French virelle, from Latin viriae bracelets …   English terms dictionary

  • Ferrule — A ferrule (a corruption of Latin viriola small bracelet, under the influence of ferrum iron. ) is a name for types of metal objects, generally used for fastening, joining, or reinforcement. They are often narrow circular rings of metal, or less… …   Wikipedia

  • ferrule —    The metal or plastic device that that aligns and anchors paintbrush bristles or hairs in an adhesive. The ferrule is attached to the handle by crimping or by binding wires. The ferrule pictured here has a brassy color. (pr. fe rool) …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • ferrule — UK [ˈferuːl] / US [ˈfeˌrul] noun [countable] Word forms ferrule : singular ferrule plural ferrules a piece of metal or rubber fixed to the end of a stick or post to prevent it from being damaged …   English dictionary

  • ferrule — Thimble Thim ble, n. [OE. thimbil, AS. ??mel, fr. ??ma a thumb. [root]56. See {Thumb}.] 1. A kind of cap or cover, or sometimes a broad ring, for the end of the finger, used in sewing to protect the finger when pushing the needle through the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ferrule — /fer euhl, oohl/, n., v., ferruled, ferruling. n. 1. a ring or cap, usually of metal, put around the end of a post, cane, or the like, to prevent splitting. 2. a short metal sleeve for strengthening a tool handle at the end holding the tool. 3. a …   Universalium

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