- external-combustion stove
воздухонагреватель с вынесенной камерой горения
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
external combustion stove — Смотри воздухонагреватель с выносной камерой … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Stove — A stove is an enclosed heated space. The term is commonly taken to mean an enclosed space in which fuel is burned to provide heating, either to heat the space in which the stove is situated or to heat the stove itself, and items placed on it, for … Wikipedia
Cook stove — Stove manufacture in Senegal. In cooking, a cook stove is a very basic stove heated by burning wood, charcoal, animal dung or crop residue. Cook stoves are the most common way of cooking and heating food in developing countries. Developing… … Wikipedia
Beverage-can stove — A beverage can stove (or pop can stove) is a homemade, ultra light portable stove. The simple design is made entirely from cans (typically soft drink or beer cans) and burns alcohol, typically denatured. Countless variations on the basic design… … Wikipedia
Rocket stove — The rocket stove is a variety of wood burning cooking stove. It is easy to construct, and it uses low cost materials. The rocket stove s main components are:* Chimney: a metal box (such as a 5 gallon tin can) or pipe standing vertically and… … Wikipedia
Wood-burning stove — For a list of stove types see Stove (disambiguation). A wood burning stove is a heating appliance capable of burning wood fuel and wood derived biomass fuel. Generally the appliance consists of a solid metal (usually cast iron or steel) closed… … Wikipedia
Air-tight stove — An air tight stove is a wood burning stove designed to burn solid fuel, traditionally wood, in a controlled fashion so as to provide for efficient and controlled fuel use, and the benefits of stable heating or cooking temperatures. They are made… … Wikipedia
воздухонагреватель с выносной камерой — [external combustion stove] применяют для нагрева дутья до 1300 1400 °С. Огнеупорная кладка стен камеры горения и насадки выполняется, как и в воздухонагревателе с внутренней камерой горения. Воздухонагреватель с выносной камерой горения имеют… … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
воздухонагреватель с выносной камерой — Применяют для нагрева дутья до 1300—1400 °С. Огнеупорная кладка стен камеры горения и насадки выполняется, как и в в. с внутр. камерой горения В. с выносной камерой горения имеют более высокую тепловую мощность. В этих в. более сложная… … Справочник технического переводчика
Outline of energy — See also: Index of energy articles In physics, energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια – energeia, activity, operation , from ἐνεργός – energos, active, working [1]) is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by … Wikipedia
Naphtha — Not to be confused with naphthalene, a solid benzene derivative which is the main ingredient in mothballs. Naphtha ( /ˈn … Wikipedia