energy response

energy response
энергетическая характеристика

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "energy response" в других словарях:

  • Energy Effects —   Changes at the consumer meter that reflect activities undertaken in response to utility administered programs.   ***   The changes in aggregate electricity use (measured in megawatthours) for consumers that participate in a utility DSM (demand… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Policy Act of 2005 — Enacted by the 109th United States Congress Citations Public Law …   Wikipedia

  • Energy storage — is the storing of some form of energy that can be drawn upon at a later time to perform some useful operation. A device that stores energy is sometimes called an accumulator. All forms of energy are either potential energy (eg. chemical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy law — is the law of the use and taxation of energy, both renewable and non renewable. It is distinct from energy policy in that it consists of the primary authorities such as caselaw, statutes, rules, regulations and edicts about energy, rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy quality — the contrast between different forms of energy, the different trophic levels in ecological systems and the propensity of energy to convert from one form to another. The concept refers to our empirical experience of the characteristics, or qualia …   Wikipedia

  • Energy security — is a term for an association between national security and the availability of natural resources for energy consumption. Access to cheap energy has become essential to the functioning of modern economies. However, the uneven distribution of… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy economics — is a broad scientific subject area which includes topics related to supply and use of energy in societies. [Sickles, Robin (2008). energy economics. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics , 2nd Edition.… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy monitoring and targeting — (M T) is an energy efficiency technique based on the standard management axiom stating that “you cannot manage what you cannot measure”. M T techniques provide Energy Managers with feedback on operating practices, results of energy management… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 — Full title Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Enacted by the 110th United States Congress Citations Public Law …   Wikipedia

  • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy — (EDS, EDX or EDXRF) is an analytical technique used for the elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample. As a type of spectroscopy, it relies on the investigation of a sample through interactions between electromagnetic radiation… …   Wikipedia

  • energy — [n1] person’s spirit and vigor activity, animation, application, ardor, birr, dash, drive, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, élan, endurance, enterprise, exertion, fire, force, forcefulness, fortitude, get up and go*, go, hardihood, initiative …   New thesaurus

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