- electropositive atom
электроположительный атом
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
electropositive — for an atom, having a tendency to release valence electrons; also a term to describe metallic elements … Mechanics glossary
chemical bonding — ▪ chemistry Introduction any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another … Universalium
Valence (chemistry) — For other uses, see Valence (disambiguation). In chemistry, valence, also known as valency or valence number, is a measure of the number of bonds formed by an atom of a given element. Valence can be defined as the number of valence bonds[1] a… … Wikipedia
organometallic compound — ▪ chemical compound Introduction any member of a class of substances containing at least one metal to carbon bond in which the carbon is part of an organic group. Organometallic compounds constitute a very large group of substances that have… … Universalium
Acid — This article is about acids in chemistry. For the drug, see Lysergic acid diethylamide. For other uses, see Acid (disambiguation). Acidity redirects here. For the novelette, see Acidity (Novelette). Acids and Bases … Wikipedia
Electronegativity — This electrostatic potential map shows how the oxygen atom has a more negative charge than the hydrogen atoms. Electronegativity, symbol χ (the Greek letter chi), is a chemical property that describes the tendency of an atom or a functional group … Wikipedia
oxide — oxidic /ok sid ik/, adj. /ok suyd, sid/, n. Chem. a compound in which oxygen is bonded to one or more electropositive atoms. Also, oxid /ok sid/. [1780 90; < F (now oxyde), b. oxygène and acide. See OXYGEN, ACID] * * * I Any of a large and… … Universalium
liquid — liquidly, adv. liquidness, n. /lik wid/, adj. 1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid. 2. of, pertaining to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet. 3 … Universalium
Organolithium reagent — An organolithium reagent is an organometallic compound with a direct bond between a carbon and a lithium atom. As the electropositive nature of lithium puts most of the charge density of the bond on the carbon atom, effectively creating a… … Wikipedia
IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry 2005 — The IUPAC Recommendations 2005, Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry replaces their previous recommendations Nomenclatureof Inorganic Chemistry, IUPAC Recommendations 1990 (Red Book I) , and where appropriate (sic) Nomenclature of Inorganic… … Wikipedia
metabolism — /meuh tab euh liz euhm/, n. 1. Biol., Physiol. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available. Cf. anabolism, catabolism … Universalium