electron energy band

electron energy band
энергетическая зона электрона

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "electron energy band" в других словарях:

  • Electron energy loss spectroscopy — In electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) a material is exposed to a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies. Some of the electrons will undergo inelastic scattering, which means that they lose energy and have their… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron excitation — is the movement of an electron to a higher energy state. This can either be done by photoexcitation (PE), where the original electron absorbs the photon and gains all the photon s energy or by electrical excitation (EE), where the original… …   Wikipedia

  • Band mapping — Band mapping, in the realm of condensed matter physics, refers to the process which allows for detection (and measurement) of photoelectrons emitted from an observed surface at different emission angles. This process is employed in a spectroscopy …   Wikipedia

  • Band bending — refers to the local change in energy of electrons at a semiconductor junction due to space charge effects. Because the common way to visualize the electron energy states and Fermi level in a material is to draw bands on an Energy vs. distance… …   Wikipedia

  • Band Gap Energy —   The amount of energy (in electron volts) required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to a free state, and thus promote it from the valence to the conduction level …   Energy terms

  • Electron mobility — This article is about the mobility for electrons and holes in metals and semiconductors. For the general concept, see Electrical mobility. In solid state physics, the electron mobility characterizes how quickly an electron can move through a… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy level — A quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound that is, confined spatially can only take on certain discrete values of energy. This contrasts with classical particles, which can have any energy. These discrete values are called energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron paramagnetic resonance — (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a technique for studying chemical species that have one or more unpaired electrons, such as organic and inorganic free radicals or inorganic complexes possessing a transition metal ion. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron configuration — Electron atomic and molecular orbitals Simp …   Wikipedia

  • Electron-positron annihilation — occurs when an electron and a positron (the electron s anti particle) collide. The result of the collision is the conversion of the electron and positron and the creation of gamma ray photons or, less often, other particles. The process must… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron cyclotron resonance — is a phenomenon observed both in plasma physics and condensed matter physics. An electron in a static and uniform magnetic field will move in a circle due to the Lorentz force. The circular motion may be superimposed with a uniform axial motion,… …   Wikipedia

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