- electroless solution
раствор для химического нанесения покрытий
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Electroless nickel plating — Electroless nickel plating, or EN , is an electroplating technique used to deposit a layer of nickel phosphorous alloy on a solid work piece, such as metals or plastic. The alloys with different percentage of phosphorus, ranging from 2 5 (low… … Wikipedia
electroless plating — /i lek troh lis/ a technique of plating metal by chemical rather than electrical means, in which the piece to be plated is immersed in a reducing agent that, when catalyzed by certain materials, changes metal ions to metal that forms a deposit on … Universalium
Chemical Solution Deposition — Der englische Begriff chemical solution deposition (CSD, dt. ‚chemische Abscheidung aus der Lösung‘, ‚chemische Lösungsabscheidung‘) bezeichnet eine Gruppe von (chemischen) Beschichtungsverfahren, bei denen ein Substrat zunächst mit in einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Electroplating — is the process of using electrical current to reduce cations of a desired material from a solution and coat a conductive object with a thin layer of the material, such as a metal. Electroplating is primarily used for depositing a layer of… … Wikipedia
Plating — describes surface covering where a metal is deposited on a conductive surface. Plating has been done for hundreds of years, but it is also critical for modern technology. Plating is used to decorate objects, for corrosion inhibition, to improve… … Wikipedia
electroplating — Process of coating with metal by means of an electric current. Plating metal may be transferred to conductive surfaces (e.g., metals) or to nonconductive surfaces (e.g., plastics, wood, leather) if a conductive coating has been applied. Usually… … Universalium
plating — /play ting/, n. 1. a thin coating of gold, silver, etc. 2. an external layer of metal plates. 3. the act of a person or thing that plates. [1535 45; PLATE1 + ING1] * * * Coating a metal or other material, such as plastic or china, with a hard,… … Universalium
Printed circuit board — Part of a 1983 Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer board; a populated PCB, showing the conductive traces, vias (the through hole paths to the other surface), and some mounted electrical components A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to… … Wikipedia
Nickel electroplating — is a technique of electroplating a thin layer of nickel onto a metal object. The nickel layer can be decorative, provide corrosion resistance, wear resistance, or used to build up worn or undersized parts for salvage purposes.[1] Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Zincate — Not to be confused with zincite. In chemistry the term zincate may refer to a salt containing Zn(OH)42−,also called the tetrahydroxozincate ion. It is an ore of Zinc. Examples include calcium zincate CaZn(OH)4.2H2O [1] or Na2Zn(OH)4[2] or the… … Wikipedia
Thermometric titration — titration systems have pre dominated in this area since the 1970 s. With the advent of cheap computers able to handle the powerful thermometric titration software, development has now reached the stage where easy to use automated thermometric… … Wikipedia