- electrofusion
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
electrofusion — noun a) The fusion of plant protoplasts by electrical stimulation b) A method of joining plastic pipes … Wiktionary
electrofusion — … Useful english dictionary
Chimera (genetics) — A chimeric mouse with its offspring A chimera or chimaera is a single organism (usually an animal) that is composed of two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells that originated from different zygotes involved in sexual… … Wikipedia
Гетерокарион — Гетерокарионы клетки, содержащие два или более ядер, имеющих различные генотипы, которые получаются при слиянии соматических клеток. Содержание 1 Гетерокариоз грибов 2 Искусственные гетерокарионы … Википедия
Lipid bilayer fusion — Illustration of lipid vesicles fusing showing two possible outcomes: hemifusion and full fusion. In hemifusion only the outer bilayer leaflets mix. In full fusion both leaflets as well as the internal contents mix. Fusion is the process by which… … Wikipedia
Tabletop fusion — can be achieved with:* Bubble fusion / sonofusion an application of the rapid collapse of bubbles induced by sound waves (see also sonoluminence) * Crystal fusion / electrofusion an application of intense electric fields within a crystalNOTE *… … Wikipedia
Kawasaki KX250 — The KX 250 is a two stroke dirt bike. It has been ridden to several AMA Motocross wins, including a number of titles. Change Log 1998 1999 Liquid Cooled Engine with Kawasaki Integrated Power Valve System * KIPS system controls exhaust port height … Wikipedia
Béryllium — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Béryllium (maladie professionnelle). Béryllium Lithium … Wikipédia en Français
Transferencia nuclear celular — La transferencia nuclear celular es una parte del proceso de clonación. Consiste en introducir el material genético de la célula a clonar en oocito de la misma especie previamente enucleado sin su propio material genético. Se considera que el… … Wikipedia Español
Pipe (fluid conveyance) — For structural pipe, see Hollow structural section. For other uses, see Pipe (disambiguation). Steel pipes … Wikipedia
Polybutène-1 — Général Nom IUPAC Poly(but 1 ène) No CAS … Wikipédia en Français