- efficient
• выгодный• работающий с большим коэффициентом полезного действия
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
efficient — efficient, iente [ efisjɑ̃, jɑ̃t ] adj. • 1290; lat. efficiens, de efficere « réaliser » 1 ♦ Philos. Cause efficiente, qui produit un effet (opposé à cause finale). 2 ♦ (1948; angl. efficient) Anglic. (abusif) Efficace, dynamique, capable de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
efficient — ef‧fi‧cient [ɪˈfɪʆnt] adjective MANUFACTURING 1. producing goods using as little time, money etc as possible: • The United States has developed the most efficient methods of food production and distribution. • Is this really an efficient use of… … Financial and business terms
efficient — ef*fi cient ([e^]f*f[i^]sh ent), a. [L. efficiens, entis, p. pr. of efficere to effect: cf. F. efficient. See {Effect}, n.] Causing effects; producing results; that makes the effect to be what it is; actively operative; not inactive, slack, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-efficient — [e fish′ənt, ifish′ənt; ] often [, ēfish′ənt, əfish′ənt] combining form working or operating efficiently with regard to; making efficient use of [cost efficient, energy efficient] * * * … Universalium
-efficient — [e fish′ənt, ifish′ənt; ] often [, ēfish′ənt, əfish′ənt] combining form working or operating efficiently with regard to; making efficient use of [cost efficient, energy efficient] … English World dictionary
Efficient — Ef*fi cient, n. An efficient cause; a prime mover. [1913 Webster] God . . . moveth mere natural agents as an efficient only. Hooker. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
efficient — I adjective able, adroit, capable, competent, deft, dexterous, effective, effectual, expedient, expeditious, expert, functional, habilis, mighty, potent, powerful, practical, productive, proficient, puissant, skilled, skillful associated concepts … Law dictionary
efficient — capable of producing the desired effect, late 14c., making, producing immediate effect, from O.Fr. efficient and directly from L. efficientem (nom. efficiens) effective, efficient, producing, active, prp. of efficere work out, accomplish (see… … Etymology dictionary
Efficient — can relate to: *Efficiency (and related topics; see link), the technical term often related to energy usage. *Efficient (horse), winner of the 2007 Melbourne Cup. *Inefficiency, a term with a multitude of meanings in economics.disambig to be… … Wikipedia
efficient — [e fish′ənt, ifish′ənt] adj. [ME & OFr < L efficiens, prp. of efficere: see EFFECT] 1. directly producing an effect or result; causative; effective [the efficient cause] 2. producing a desired effect, product, etc. with a minimum of effort,… … English World dictionary
efficient — efficient, ente (è fi si an, an t ) adj. Terme de philosophie scolastique. Cause efficiente, cause qui produit effectivement son effet, une chose. Le soleil est la cause efficiente de la chaleur. • Aristote admettait comme Platon les causes… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré